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Tears streamed down my face, but you wouldn't be able to tell since it's pouring down rain and I'm soaked because I have to walk home since my now ex-boyfriend just broke up with me. I already knew he was cheating on me with that sly little prick. Why should I be crying? There's no reason for me to cry over that scum bag.

I started to shiver from the rain and then fell flat on my butt running into someone. "Oh my gosh I am so sorry." A mans voice whimpered but was still audible over the rain. I looked up through the rain seeing his dripping wet face all puffy as if he was crying. I probably looked worse from my makeup streaming down my face and my red puffy eyes.

"It's alright. No worries." I said sniffling. He put his hand out for me to take and I gladly reached up and took it landing back on my feet. "It's not like it was worse than what happened earlier." I mumbled.

"Same here. But I still feel really bad." He said. I shook my head and looked down.

"It's fine really." I started walking passed him but he stopped me.

"Well, wait. Why don't I treat you to a hot tea? Maybe we can talk about our bad days." He chuckled. I couldn't help but smile at his attempt to make me happy even though we were both crying. I should be the one offering!

"Alright, but I can pay for it." I started walking with him.

"I don't think you will ma'am. I wouldn't allow it." He smiled down at me. His hair was long and curly even in the rain.

We got to a tea and coffee shop and ordered. After arguing about who would pay, we sat down in a booth. "I bet I look terrible." I blushed looking down nervously. The stranger still looked handsome even with his eyes slightly puffy and drenched from the rain.

"There's no way you could look terrible. Every woman should feel beautiful no matter how they look or how they feel." The man said as he sipped at his tea still looking at me over the cup.

I could hear the rain hit the window as we sat in silence for a while. It was a comfortable silence. The sound of the rain was soothing to my ears.

"What's your name love?" He asked. His voice was deep and calming.

"Alexis. And yours?" I sipped at my tea staring back at him as how he did earlier and set my cup down.

"Harry. It's nice to meet you Alexis." He grinned.

"Well it's lovely to meet you too." I smiled back.

"So tell me," he started as he set his elbows on the table leaning forward lowering his voice slightly, "what happened today that made you upset?"

My smile faded slightly as I looked into his dim green eyes. "Um... My boyfriend broke up with me. I should've broken up with him but he beat me to it." I said.

"Well if you were going to then why are you upset about it?" Harry asked.

"Because I found out about a month ago that he was cheating on me." I looked down picking at my fingernails. "But enough about me," I looked back up and smiled slightly, "what about you? Why are you sad?"

"Strangely enough, for the exact same reason." He sighed. I looked at him confused.

"Your girlfriend cheated on you too?" Harry nodded drinking his tea. "Wow. I'm sorry Harry."

"It's alright. That would be strange if they cheated together." Harry chuckled then stopped. "Wait, what is your ex boyfriends name?" He asked.

"His name is Thomas. What's your ex girlfriends name?" Harry's face was slightly shocked.

"No way. Her name is Monica. They cheated together!" He laughed. Thomas told me her name was Monica. I was mind blown.

"This is so weird." I shook my head laughing. "Out of all the people I could've bumped into outside it's the guy that got cheated on because of my ex boyfriend. How in the world did this happen?" I tried to think of an explanation but nothing came to mind.

"I have no idea Alexis." He chuckled at my reaction. "Maybe it's a sign or something. It's a small world love; a lot of things can happen."

We drank our teas until they were empty and sat there looking at each other talking a bit. I could notice his clothes were slowly drying along with his hair that was almost completely dry. I twisted my ring around my middle finger while holding my cup that was still warm.

Harry reached into his pocket pulling out his phone and slid it across the table. "How about we do this again sometime?" He asked. My heart thumped a little faster than normal and I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face.

I nodded typing my name and number into his phone then handed him my phone. Harry typed in his information smirking to himself then passed me back my phone. His eyes stared back at me.

I quickly looked down at my phone seeing that it was almost 1 am. "Harry it's nearly 1 in the morning." I giggled. We didn't realize how late it was until we both looked out the large window.

It was barely sprinkling. You could see the rain shining when it fell by the light posts as they lit up the streets. It looked pretty and dark out there.

"Well, maybe we should head out now seeing that we'll be sleeping in." Harry chuckled. My eyes darted to him and I smiled nodding slightly.

"At least it won't be raining as bad as earlier." I sighed as we both climbed out of the booth. We walked out together quite slowly as if we didn't want to leave each other.

"I really enjoyed your company Harry." I said standing in front of him as we were now standing outside. Harry looked down at me.

"I really hope we can do this again. Oh! Um, would you like for me to walk you home?" He asked.

"You don't have to. I literally live about a block from here, but if you want to you can." I smiled.

"I would love to." He smiled back.

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