Things You Don't Know About This Quarterback

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Ryan stepped back a few times, observing the field. I could pass to Kendall... but that would be risky thanks to number 23 in front of him. If only Trevor were open... Ah what the hell... He tucked the football under his arm and took off down the field, weaving around opponents with some right on his heels. He glanced over his shoulder, laughing as he crossed the line into the touchdown zone.

He grinned, tossing the football to the ref as he jogged over to where his teammates were huddled together on the sidelines. The coach stared him down as he approached, “Conner!” Ugh, he used the last name... what did I do now? “That was not the play we decided on...,” the coach smirked, “Good alternate plan though. It worked.”

They devised another strategy and walked back out onto the field. Kendall grabbed Ryan's face guard, as they did to get someone to focus or just mess around, “Hey... keep focused alright quarterback?”

“We got this,” he looked toward the scoreboard as Kendall dropped his hand from his helmet, “We're so far ahead, there's no way they can catch up.”

“Don't get cocky yet,” he smirked, adjusting his helmet, “Too much cockiness causes bad luck.”

He patted Ryan's shoulder as they walked to their places. The other team hiked the ball, scattering to defend each other and try to get the ball down the field. Ryan stared down the opposing quarterback. What's going through your mind?... He narrowed his eyes. What are you going to do?... He smirked and darted backwards as the quarterback launched the ball forward toward a teammate. Ryan intercepted and caught the ball, running toward his touch down zone. As he was running, he looked up to the goal post and froze in his tracks. Ty stood next to the post, a baby in his arms. He shook his head, “You've got to give it up Ryan... For her... For our baby..” Out of no where, someone slammed into him, their helmets colliding. It sent Ryan flying out of bounds, onto the sidelines, since the guy was twice Ryan's size. He laid on the ground, his eyes fighting to stay open as his vision and hearing pulsed in and out.

“Ryan?!” He heard his coach's voice echo through his mind. Tyler...Someone find Tyler... and our.. baby? His head tilted to the side as he slipped from consciousness.

Suddenly Ryan jolted awake, sitting up in bed, covered in a cold sweat. His chest rose and fell heavily with his pants as he looked around the room. He looked down at his love, who was sound asleep in bed next to him. Just a dream... it was only a dream. He let out a deep sigh and dropped back against the bed, running a hand over his face, as he relaxed. He stared off into the darkness, his mind wandering back through the dream... A Baby?

~*The Next Morning*~

Tyler heard a door slam shut from upstairs. He raised an eyebrow. Ryan's never up this early... As he walked upstairs, he found the bathroom door shut. He stayed quiet, hearing Ryan throw up as he walked down the hallway. That's not good... He cracked the door open slowly, “Ry?”

Ryan was kneeled next to the toilet, leaning over it as he shook his head. God what the hell is wrong with me... He took in a deep breath as he leaned back. Tyler walked in, running a hand over his shoulders, “You alright?”

“Yeah, I think it was something I ate,” he stood up, flushing the toilet and walked over to the sink, grabbing his toothbrush. Tyler shook his head as he walked out, “Probably those damn protein shakes...”

Ryan brushed the taste from his mouth then walked downstairs into the kitchen. Tyler sat at the table while eating, “I went out and got us breakfast,” he pulled a breakfast sandwich from a bag and sat it on the table. Ryan shook his head, “I'm not hungry...”

Things You Don't Know About This QuarterbackWhere stories live. Discover now