Chapter #2

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I was awoken by the sound of construction out Side of marly's small apartment. I looked around.

The TV was left on to a boring channel with a show on it about ww2, and the light was shinning straight thew the curtains and reflecting off the coffee table. I curled into my warm knitted blanket that I had on top of me, then sat up. Ooucch. A stream of pain rushed through my body. Then I remembered last night and the thought of my boss raced around in my mind.

Trying to ignore those nightmarish thoughts I got to my feet. I reached for Marly's phone. As soon as I turned it on looking for any new messages for me it buzzed. I read the text on the screen:

"Another date tonight babe? Xx


Ugh. Dillan's this guy Marlys been going out with for a little while now. But there not dating, he just go's on dates with her and kisses her and they do "other" things together. As you can kinda tell I don't like him, considering the "ugh" I did.

I don't have a phone because I don't have the money but I would normally just give anyone who asks Marly's phone number because I know I can trust her with that type of thing. She's kinda like the sister I never had.

I decided to go and check on Her because I noticed her door was right open which was unusual because she always has a "guest" over. I got up and stretched my body reaching up stretching my back, with my eyes tightly closed, hands in fists and yawning. I scratched my head and hobbled down the hall. Walking past my room I noticed out of the corner of my eye the time.

It reads 10:47am.

I freeze and take another look at it just to make sure I saw correctly. Yup. 10:47. I have to be at work by 8am.

"Shit!" I yell as I run into my room scared as hell about what my boss is going to do to me. I quickly toss on kakis and a polo (if your wondering, I would never wear this, it's for work) then run to the door and sprint down 6 flights of stairs not even shutting the door on the apartment.

Marly's apartment is down town in a really ghetto area which is right by one of the busiest streets in the city, so of corse there's going to be a long wait for me to cross the street. It felt like for ever waiting for the orange hand to turn onto the white man walking, so I took a run for it.

I sprinted across the road without looking and made it half way then all of the sudden I could no longer hear all the traffic.

It sounded like when your under water: that faint humming noise yet you can still hear something's loud above the water. I felt my body hit the ground and was no longer worrying about work.

I was laying on my back looking up into the sky and I could see a bright light that I knew was not the sun. It was white and I could see faint shapes of body's and one of them was calling my name and telling me to come and join them holding its hand out.

It was not scary in any sort of way, actually it was quite warming.

I made myself resist taking its hand because I was scared on what would happen. I didn't want to die.

I shut my eyes very tight.

The last thing i recall is hearing a ambulance, and then i was picked up by someone. All of a Sudden all I could hear was my heart pounding then every thing went black.

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