Chapter 1

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You sat upon your throne, not moving. Condesce entered through the large double doors that led into your throneroom, she had this area blocked off while the others had built a new throneroom somewhere else. She had this area blocked because of bad memories that happened here, she was here when she had witnessed your murder. Condesce walked over to your motionless form, your head was bowed, your features being shadowed by the darkness. A single light shown above you. This is where she would go to le out her true emotions, this is where she had claimed your crown that had fallen from your head long ago. The tears wanted to fall, but she refused. When the female troll was close enough, she sat dow upon your lap. Her right arm layng around you shoulders, using her other hand. Condesce lifted your head up until the light touched your face, lightening up your blank exression. Your dead (E/C) eyes were slightly narrowed, Condesce had you preserved very well. You still looked alive in a way. The fushia blooded troll ran her hand along your bare chest, your stitches were starting to come undone again. She always kept your top off, in case the stitches started to loosen. The stitches ran down your torso, from your jaw to your pelvis. Your right hand man or Solider had used his sword to pirece your flesh, slightly above your pelvis and brought it up until it reached under your jaw. Leaving a long line behind. Blood and your organs leeked through the opening, that soilder was then captured and killed right then and there in the throneroom. When Condesce had placed your crown upon her head of long hair, she hadtken your role as ruler. Condesce sighed, looking at you. She unwrapped her arm from your shoulders and curled up into a little ball onyoir lap as she leaned her head against your chest, she had tooken a hold of your arms, making you wrap them around her. You were a well respected king, many loved you and followed you anywhere. Because you kind, stronge, noble, and you weren't selfish, you'd listen to the people and did what they needed. Your most loyal of subjects had killed theselves, their bodies were also stuffed and preserved. They all sat or stood in the throneroom with your body, even some Gaurds had the same actdone to them as well. Two of the Gaurds stood on each side of you, while the others stood in they're orginal spots when you had passed. The subjects faced forward, both sides cut off in the middle by a long (Fav Color) carpet that went from your throne chair to the double doors. After you had passed, Condesce wasno longer herself. But she would sometimes let it slip out at times, the highblooded fishtroll could feel the tears swelling up. The fushia colored ters slid down her cheeks, your chin sat upon her head. Condesce was always a Daddy's Girl. She soon became tired, closing her eyes. Condesce was pulled into the sleep world, Condesce's eyes fluttered open. She strecthed her small limbs, yawning as she did so. The fishtroll looked around, the throneroom she was in was vacant of any trolls. Even you weren't there, the young Condesce sat upon the throne. Standing to her feet, she noticed that everything looked bigger. She walked out of the room, everything looked the way when you were alive. The fushia blood walked down the halls, she paused infront of a full body length mirror. Her eyes slightly widen, she looked like a 5 year old! She seen many of your Gaurds and Subjects walked passed her, their eyes fully white, they were smiling andtalking like when they were alivw. She quickly headed down many of the halls, she stopped infront of the large window. Her small hand pressed against the cold glass, her fushia eyes landed on your form. You were swimming around in the water, cuttlefish following you. You stopped and looked overto the young troll, a small smile on your lips. Your eyes were full white like the others, you swam towards the window that Condesce was looking through. (Your home is under water). You placed your hand on the glass as the female moved back, you easily opened the window. Water flooded through, you took a hold of Condesce's small form, bringing her out into the wide sea, you held her close as you floated away from your hive. The fushia blood looked up at your smiling face, your crown shined a little in the water.

"Father?" Releasing her from your grasp, you sank to the buttom. Condesce followed along after you as some cuttlefish did the same,

"Yes, its me." You picked up a clam that had a fushia colored bow glued to it,

"Who would you think I am, Princess?" You opened the shell, a bright pearl lied within it. Taking it out, you dropped the clam, it slowly drifted down onto the sandy sea floor. You took Condesce into your arms again, you held the pearl up to your daughter.

"Happy wigglers day, Princess Darling. It took me a while to find this, now you can complete your little collection." She smiled and took the whitish pink pearl into her small hands, you kissed her forehead.

"Your my sweet little Princess," you said as you pinched her cheek loveingly. Condesce closed her eyes, but when she reopened them. She could se that she was back in the throneroom., you were here along with everybody else, looking at herself. The female troll could see that her body was normal, quickly standing to her feet. A object a fell to the floor with a small tink, Condesce kneeled down. The same pearl that was in her dream, now layed upon the ground. Gently scoping the thing into her grey hands, she then fully stood. She didn't understand wher it came from, folding her hands together over the pearl. The fushia blood appoached you from the side, she leaned down, planting a small kiss on your cheek.

"Thank you Father. I'll make shore to bring a cuttlefish tomarrow, I don't want you to get lonely when I'm gone." She whispered as the highblood left the room, the double doors being shut and locked as she fully left.

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