Part 2

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" What is a girl like you doing walking in some streets like these?"
"I don't know ... What is a boy like you doing without a job" , I responded rolling my eyes.
I kept walking trying to hurry to my bus stop before I was late to school .
"If you wasn't so damn rude you would know I do have a job hoe." he TRIED to mumble under his breath.
I turned around and punched him right in the eyes " I will have your hoe if you try to call me out my name, I'm Kadence aka I will break yo neck next time you do" I yelled angry turning around and I kept on my way.
I made it to the stop and got on the bus I found a seat in the middle and plugged in my head phones. We passed the dude as he was getting in his car. He mean mugged me as I flicked him off turning off my music not even in the mood for music anymore.

I made my way towards the office to get my schedule for my classes the guidance counselor ask if I needed her but I didn't feel the need to try and spark up an unwanted conversation with someone so I said no.
I found my first period and made my way to the back by some girl with red hair. I mentally rolls my eyes at the thought of having to talk to her. I wasn't in the mood at all. Eventually, the teacher came in greeting everyone starting her lesson. I zoned out waiting for the call to be over.

Before I new it, it was the last class of the day and I put in my headphones ready to leave. I closed my eyes and sinked into my seat trying to relax as my mind went down memory lane.

"Kadence Honey just do this for mama I-I-I just need the money"
"But mommy I don't want you to do that it's bad for you "
" Hmmm do you love me baby"
" Yes mommy, I love you this big" i said stretching out my arms"
" Well how about this, do this for mama if you love me that much", she muttered with determination in her voice as she scratched her arm.
" Okay ..... Then you will know i love you mommy" I said with hope and I turned around and looked at the strange man with big eyes. -

Kadence, Ms. Kadence are you okay? I shot my eyes open realizing the salty tears flowing down my face, I scanned the room seeing everyone looking into my now blood shot eyes. I scurried out the room running down the halls and out the school. I needed fresh air to clean my mind of memories of my mother. I walked back into the school making my way into the empty bathroom.

I cupped the water from the sink in my hands throwing it on my face trying to break the thoughts racing through my mind. I looked up at my reflection in the dirty bathroom mirror. I saw a girl who was broken and unsure. I mentally cringed at what made me this way. After clearing my mind, I walked out of the bathroom with my head down putting in my headphones. I watched my feet drag while making my way back to my class room but the R&B music was interrupted when I ran into a hard chest making me fall flat on my butt. I looked up to see the same guy from the bus stop. I rejected his offer to help me up while rolling my eyes. As I lifted myself up, I grabbed my phone and headphones speed walking to my class. Clearly I wasn't walking fast enough when I felt a strong hold on my right arm. I snap my head back to see the same guy again. I snatch my arm away from him and folded my arms across my chest and looked up at him.
"What could you possible want from me. You keep popping up out of nowhere. It seems to me like it isn't a coincidence anymore" , I stated firmly while glaring at him.
"You should really drop the attitude, I'm just trying to make sure you are okay, you seem real out of it", the boy asked in a annoyed tone.
My face softened when I saw the hint of care in his eyes but it immediately went away and was replaced by a mug when I thought about all the people that cared for me or "supposedly cared for me."
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before looking back up into his brownish hazel eyes.
" I'm fine I don't need your help; I don't see why you care so much anyways." After telling him off I turned on my heels walking to where I was headed before he had the chance to make a remark. I checked the time and saw that the dismissal bell was about ring. I still needed to grab my bag and get my assignment for my teacher. When I made it to the class I ignored all the unwanted attention from the students. I scurried to the back of the classroom grabbing my backpack and walked up to my teacher to get my work. I made my way out the door as soon as the bell rang and pushed myself through the crowded halls.

I made my way to the bus loop, not paying any mind to the remarks made by the different groups of boys I passed.
" Aye bitch I know you heard me talking to you" I
I snapped my head back towards the boy getting ready to show him what I bitch really was, but before I could do or say anything the same dude from the bus stop butted in.
" chill out yo a! Ain't no need for the disrespect towards ole girl." He said in a demanding tone. Both boys glared at each other before the the other gave up under his dominant glare.
He look down at me saying my bad shorty before turning away making his way back to his boys. I turned to my left and looked up asking the boy what his name was. He told me simply to call him O. I scrunched up my face turning my head to the side in suspense. He kept the same look showing me he was serious about his name. I dropped my glare and made my way to the board to see where my bus was only to be slapped in the face with the fact that it had been crossed off meaning i had missed my only ride home. I blew out a breath of frustration while dragging my hand down my face. Nothing ever seem to go the way I wanted in my life and I was getting tired of it. I checked my phone to see if I would make it to my uncles house before he made it home by walking there. It was a 30 minute walk that I was not looking forward to making. Unfortunately, I began to make my way to the intersection to go home. Even though I hated walking I was enjoying the fresh air and the peace I was receiving before the hell I was going to have to go through when I made to where I needed to be. I was in a daze when I heard a car horn. Slowly I pull out my headphones in frustration and turned to see a all black BMW with tinted windows that looked familiar. The window began to roll down and a saw the one and only O. I chuckled while shaking my head and asked " So I certainly see this isn't a coincidence, I'm sure you're stalking me"
He smirked and said, "Nah it's still a coincidence" I shook my head in annoyance asking what he wanted.
" let me take you home, it's not safe in these streets for you to be walking alone." He said in a assuring voice
"I'm fine I know how to handle myself." I said rolling my eyes while turning to walk again.
"I'm not going to let you walk by yourself ,so I guess I'll just cruise next to you since you want to be stubborn"
When those words came out of his mouth I stopped in my tracks and turned to him asking, "Why are you so worried about me you don't even know my name."
" I do know your name, miss Kadence aka I will break your neck", he said while snapping his fingers and rolling his eyes.
I laughed at his attempt to copy me and asked " but why are you so worried?"
" I'm just trying to be nice, I don't like seeing people in need" he said in all seriousness
I scrunched up my eyebrows while telling him, " I'm not a charity case I don't need or want you to be nice to me."
He leg out a stressful sigh before calling out to me to get me to stop walking.
" Kadence I didn't mean it that way just let me give you a ride I'm not trying to upset you just get in you don't need to be waking out here."
My eyes darted into his to see if he was genuine or not. I finally gave in saying fine while opening the door and putting my book bag in my lap. I mumbled thanks while looking down at my fingers. He glanced at me with a frustrated look before pulling off. I took in the black interior of the car and the string smell of strawberries lingering in the car. You could tell it was expensive from the upgraded features inside making me wonder what job he claimed he had.
My thoughts were interrupted by O's deep voice, " Why are you so stubborn?"
"Life" I simply answered with a shrug.
He did I low deep chuckle mumbling " I feel you"
The comment was more to himself but it made my mind wonder and race.
I looked at him and noticed the decorative tattoos running up his toned arms that were flexing when he turned the wheel. He had a diamond stud in his ear that's complemented his chocolate skin and his ways doing a 360 on his big ass head. He had plump lips that I noticed he kept licking every few minutes as if it was natural. I was interrupted with his saying "You get a good look yet?" with a smirk plastered on his face. I rolled my eyes while saying " just trying to make sure I remember what you look like just incase you try something."
He did a deep chuckle while turning on the street of my uncles house. Once we passed my bus stop he ask for directions and I simply pointed. We pulled up to my uncles once story cream colored house. My heart sunk as I took my seatbelt off realizing his car was in the driveway. I turned to O thanking him for the ride and drug my feet getting out the car.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2017 ⏰

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