Q&A answered!

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glee88 asks: who's are your crushes?
Seto-zen (going out)
Alex-Ally (Ally has a crush)
Mlp Mitch- Mythical magic (mlp OC) (Mitch in the mlp world liked mythical magic)
Rythain- summer (going out)
Martyn has a crush on summer

PixThePowerFangirl asks: if you could destroy a country what would it be
To sum up there answers they wouldn't blow any country up 1 that would be wrong and 2 they are the good guys not the bad guys
But Zenix and Lanable said they would blow up the world (of course they're villains after all......)

domcats asks: what they think of the current situation in the book
Team crafted: pretty dam exciting
Supernatural yogscast: intense
People in this book: NOT GOOD FOR US!!!
To sum it up: enjoying it!
Anyways that's it let me know if you want more Q&A's ok? Maybe I'll do another page or maybe a book heh naw just kidding then it would always be to be continued! But anyway hope you liked this anyway! Bye!!!

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