Chappie 2

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  • Dedicated to Nathan ;)

A/N: HIYAAHH! Im backkk:) Er Mah Gurd!!! Its SUMMER! YAIEE *does litte dance* Aniewhayyy! I hope you like this chapter becasue i wasnt even going to uodate today, so i dont have it wriiten, so ima just go with the flo! yah feelin me? ;D

~Kallie <3


Sheera's POV.


I laugh along with with Jade as she keeps bringing up the fact that i just told off someone I'd been scared of most of my life, and im extremly proud of myself!

"By the way, did i tell you how much i LOVE your outfit?!" Jade giggles, i look down forgetting what i wore today.

I see that i am wearing a purple Jack Wills hoodie, leggings, and a pair of TOMS, my hair is up in a messy bun and i look at Jade like shes crazy,

"Are you blind or something?" I ask her, she just chuckles and keeps walking. I remember having to ask her about what her and Westley, so i take this as my chance to change the topic from my horrid outfit to him.

"I looked over at you in class, i saw you and Westley wispering things i couldnt even pick out, whats up with that?" i ask her, she looks at me and grins evily.. Thats never a good sign!

"We were just talking about how awesome it would be if me and Brandi, went on a double date with you and him, nothing immportant..." she says cooly. I swear my face is as red as a apple! I look away not wanting to further embarress myself by letting her see the effect he has on me.

"Umh, i'm sure he wasnt talking about me, maybe another Sheera?" i ask sounding unsure of myself, she just laughs and shakes her head.

"Really? Another Sheera? You and i know very well that there isn't another Sheera in our school, and i'm pretty sure he wouldnt ask me to go on a date with him and someone i dont even know! THINK GURL! THINK!" she says the first half calmly, and the second half she screams at me. Nothing out of the normal with Jade.

"Okay, okay! Maybe he was talking about me, but we'll never know if he doesnt ask me out, so HA!" i smirk at her knowing he would NEVER ask me out. She just rolls her eyes as if to say "whatever" but im not bothered by it the slightest, im used to it!

We walk down the hall way, smiling and laughing with eachother as if our little "Rant" didnt just happen, thats what i love about Jade, she forgets and forgives extemley fast! We are laughing over how The Wanted think their THE shit, when really, they ARE shit, and me being me, am not paying attenction to anything around me and end up bumping into what feels like a person. or a wall.. im not sure..

I look up to see a smiling Westley and a some what sad Dallas, they keep their space so im guessing their haveing one of their "fights" again, Dallas ends up talking to Jade for a whlie and me and Westley end up in conversation aswell.

"So, Sheera, i was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me? Er, well a d-double date, i-if you want t-to, its u-up to you, i w-was just wondering i-is all." he stutters and says extremly fast, his cheeks flushed. I smile knowing that i did this to him.

"Um, yeah she that'd be great! Jade already brought it up, i thought she was joking when she said you wanted to go on a date with me." i attimt shyly.

"Why would you think that? Your beautiful, funny, smart, everything a guy could ever want." He looks down feeling embarress that he just said this.

I smile up at him at ask him whe we will be going on our double date, he askes if Friday would be okay, and i tell him its fine with me, since i only spend my Friday nights studing, reading, writing, or having a movie night with Jade, i wont be missing out on much.

Me and Westley talk for a few more mintues, and then we say our goodbyes with a friendly hug as Dallas and Jade return. Dallas seems madder then he was before but i decide not to question him, he might just need time to himself. I wave at Westley one more tiem before linking arms with Jade and walking outside, and in to my car with Jade, and begin to drive home.

"SOOOOO! Did he ask you out?! did he?! did he?! DID HE?!" Jade askes as soon we enter my car, should have seen that comming..

"Yes he asked me out, Friday night. He seemed really shy though," i shrug my sholders as if its not big deal, but on the inside, im dying!

"OMG! OMG! OMG! O-M-G!" she yells, i just laugh and "shh" her so we dont get in a car crash. I smile and pull up in my drive way, my mums car is gone so i know she isn't home, time to get my inner rock star out!

Me and Jade look at eachother and run inside putting on 'So What' by P!nk on and jam out! My little brother comes out of his room, his name is Nathen, he is 12 years old, turning 14, has brown hair and brown eyes, nothing to special.

He rolls his eyes at me, but they widen when he sees Jade, he has been madly in love with her since he was in third grade and she convinced him that girls didnt have 'cooties' He fixs his hair, bites his bottem lip and makes his way over to us, i can tell he likes what hes seeing since Jades twerking at the moment.

She gets up from her twerking possion and sits down once she sees Nathen. He smiles at her and she smiles back, they begin talking about how his day went, and he trys to act cool, and Jade pretends to act impressed. I laugh alittle at the show their putting on for me. I just wish i had popcorn.

I drag Nathen back to his room and he mumbles and grumbles, but as Demi Lovato would say "Peace out yo, its a NO!"

I text my mum telling her that Jade is sleeping over tonignt, she replys with "I know, you dont have to ask me anymore remember?" I laugh at the text and me and Jade make our way to my bedroom and get in our Pjs, and watch all of the Harry Potter movies, cuz YOLO. i cant believe i just said YOLO.. oh gurd.


A/N: So i THINK this was a longish chapter, but whateva ;3 BIEEE!

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