But nobody came (RP with Meme)

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Short Undertale RP - ''But nobody came'' - Chara and Frisk - Genocide Run
Chara  - Meme
Frisk - Demo
Chara smiled, this was it, the time to fight that dumb skeleton, Chara had seen what he was like on other runs, they had been watching Frisk for a while now, this was their chance to finally control them! How exciting!

Frisk hung back, they couldn't do anything, they tried fighting back against Chara's hold but to no avail. They were stuck back here, now forced to fight Sans, if they could just take control for a little bit, maybe they could tell Sans whats happening--

''Sorry, that won't be happening for a long, long time~'' Chara's voiced echoed, it erupted into laughter, something tugged on Frisk to pull them into darkness.

Frisk cried out, trying to fight back, with their remaining strength, they called out for help...

...but nobody came

this was just a tiny bit of the RP, thanks to Meme for turning it more story-like! 
Go follow SarcasticCinnamonBun! Her writing is lovely <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2015 ⏰

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