A Very Avengers Christmas (Party)

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I WAS SO CLOSE! SO DAMN CLOSE! And by that I mean I almost, almost, almost published this on Christmas but nope. I was thirteen minutes late. Dammit. Although deciding to write a non-existent one shot an hour before midnight is probably not smart when you're trying to meet a deadline. Ah, well, I tried. I hope you like. It's a little short and less descriptive than I normally do but it's cute. I think. Whatever. Ignore me. Just read. READ.

It was a cold December morning in the city of New York and everyone was bustling about. It was mere days before Christmas and everyone was finishing up their shopping later than they thought they would. Such was the life of New Yorkers. Or at least some New Yorkers...

Tony Stark walked determinedly towards the main kitchen area. He knew this was where everyone was thanks to his assistant, JARVIS, who just so happened to be, for those of you who are new, an AI. Such was the life of a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.

The elevator dinged as it arrived on the correct floor and Tony stepped out. He continued his determined walk to the kitchen until he stopped just inside the doorway. Now Tony had a habit of always calling the attention of everyone in the entire room to him being a very famous inventor and superhero so you can understand how frustrated he was when he entered the kitchen area dramatically and loudly and not a single person paid him any mind. Not a single person. He grumbled his discontent, still trying to get everyone's attention.

The kitchen was loud and full of chatter as the Avengers waited for their breakfast. Natasha and Clint leaned on opposite ends of a seat in the large booth, Nat's outstretched legs laying on top of Clint's outstretched legs, chatting aimlessly. Steve was preparing a very, very large breakfast of bacon, eggs and pancakes with Bruce's help. Every once in awhile Nat would lazily flirt with Steve and he would just smile and blush a little while Bruce and Clint laughed. Thor was off to the side toasting what looked like Pop Tarts. Tony sighed with frustration.

JARVIS, sensing Tony's displeasure with being ignored, decided to cut in and help. "Excuse me." JARVIS's loud, crackly voice filled the room. "Sorry to interrupt, but I believe Mr. Stark would like to make an announcement. He also is very displeased with his entrance being ignored."

All eyes turned to Tony. Just the way he liked it. But first, "Screw you, J." Tony said. "Anyway, I have an announcement."

Making sure all eyes were on him, he continued, smiling, "We're going to have a Christmas Party!"

Everyone in the room simultaneously groaned.


"I'm telling you this is going to be fun!" Tony exclaimed to Bruce, who was helping him finish decorating for the party. "We need to loosen up. We just saved the world, for God's sake!"

"I agree with you that we need to loosen up but do you really think this is the best way?" Bruce questioned his friend. "I mean, we're talking about two master assassins, a god, a soldier from the past and me. And I turn into a giant, green monster when I get angry."

"Well, when you put it that way..." Tony started. "Nope. It's still happening. I even got Maria Hill to come."

"Hill?" -asked a new voice. "How'd you manage that?"

Tony and Bruce turned toward the voice to see that it belonged to none other than Steve Rogers himself. "I have my ways," said Tony.

"And I'll leave it at that. I don't want to know." Steve said, putting his hands up in mock surrender. He walked over to the bar and pulled out a beer. He twisted off the cap and threw it away before taking a big gulp. "When're the others coming?"

The elevator dinged and a moment later Nat and Clint walked in. "What kind of party is this?" Clint guffawed with mock disgust. "There isn't even music. I'm putting music on. And not the pathetic Christmas songs we have now a days." He walked over to the sound system while Nat sidled over to Steve and started talking to him, much to his own surprise.

Tony finished the decorated just as the large room was filled with music. It was a classic. Jingle Bell Rock. Tony walked over to the bar and made himself a cocktail as the elevator dinged again. In walked Thor. "Good evening, fellow heroes!" he bellowed. Everyone nodded at him.

It continued in this fashion until the room was filled with people. Everyone was talking in pairs or big groups. There was laughter and drinks and everyone was having a great time. The Avengers were scattered across the room talking to different people. Clint was still DJing, Tony was spreading his time and good looks around evenly, Bruce was talking animatedly to some scientists about a new thing he was working on, and Thor was booming out stories of war and valor to anyone who would listen. Nat and Steve had both made circles around the room socializing but still ended up in a corner talking amongst themselves.

Natasha held a beer in her hand and Steve was nursing a mug of whisky. They talked and laughed for however long the party lasted, which didn't seem that long to any of the Avengers. Soon, everyone was clearing out and the team was left to their own devices.

By the time everyone had cleared out, Nat could see Tony passed out on the sofa from drinking to much. As usual. She looked at Bruce, who looked absolutely beat from so much talking and socializing. Clint was still over at the DJ table but she could see signs of tiredness on him. Slumped shoulders. Light bags under his eyes. Thor looked extremely satisfied and happy as he sipped ale from a glass mug. She looked to Steve, who stood beside her, and noticed no difference. At least nothing she could see and she was a very observant person. Being a spy and all.

She watched as Bruce told Thor to just leave Tony on the couch. He could figure himself out when he woke up. They both headed toward the elevator and Clint followed quickly after shutting off all the equipment at the DJ table. Steve finished off his whiskey in one big gulp and put the mug on the bar. Nat placed her empty bottle down beside it.

"Well, I'd better be going, Natasha." Steve said, as he grabbed his leather jacket.

Nat stood there, quiet, as she watched him before making a split second decision. She took one stride toward him, filling any space between them, and pressed her lips to his. It was just a quick kiss. Nothing too special. Just another piece in her game. Another flirtatious move. But why? Why was she playing this game with him? There had to be a reason. But until she found it, she would just keep playing along.

"Merry Christmas, Captain," she said as strode toward the elevator. "And a Happy New Year."

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