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6 years old

I have always been a lonely child. Not the lonely-depressed kind of child but the kind where you have no friends so you're just plain lonely. Maybe that's why my parents thought I was crazy, I basically talked to my dolls all the time instead of kids my age.

You know those movies where children went outside to play with their neighbors? My parents thought that would work on me but it didn't. I just sat there on our lawn, still playing with my dolls.

But all that changed when Nash moved across the street. Nash Tremblay moved all the way from Vancouver, Canada. If you asked me, I would've stayed in that peaceful country instead of moving to New York city, but I guess his parents had other plans and wanted to fulfill their dreams in which they couldn't do back there. Surprisingly, his parents were authors. Well, wanna be authors, and as you may know, New York has the best publishing companies in the world.

Being named Daenerys, it's quite obvious that my parents were book nerds so when Nash's parents came out and introduced themselves, their expressions were priceless after finding out that I was named after a character from a fantasy book.

"Why hello there!" Mrs. Tremblay greets. I looked up from my toys and was greeted by a warm smile. She was wearing a yellow sundress while the sun shone brightly behind her, making her look like a fairy.

"Hello," I say plainly. I wasn't sure why she was still smiling at me after I said hi so we had a mini staring contest until she broke the silence.

"What's your name sweetie?" At my age, saying my name fluently was a challenge so I've always answered "Daynewys." 

"That's a lovely nam-" she starts off but realizes that I've been named after a Targaryen. "Taylor! Come over here!" she screams as she calls her husband. He dropped something from the moving truck and came running across the street and smiled at her before looking down at me. 

"Why aren't you a cute little girl." he comments, crouching down so we were on eye level. "Our son is about the same age as you,  his name is Nash. What's yours?" 

I was about to answer him when Mrs. Tremblay cuts in and says, "She's named after Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons." 

"That's amazing!!" Mr. Tremblay agrees, jumping up and down. "I would love to meet your parents! We just moved across the street, I'm Taylor Tremblay and this is my wife, Jenna." 

I decided that it was time to be respectful so I stood up, brushed the grass out of my legs and looked up at them. Just as I was about to say "It's very nice to meet you!" A boy with the greenest eyes ran up to us and nudged Mr. Tremblay on the leg. "What's the hold up, dad?" As usual, being the very shy person I am when I'm around kids my age, I went on lockdown mode and tried to hide but he laughs and takes ahold of my wrist. "Hey! My name's Nash! Where are you going?" 

"Ho-ho-home." I stutter, looking down. 

"Don't go home yet!" He cheerfully says, letting go of my wrist. "I just got here, I see that you were playing, do you mind if I join you?" 

Obviously, I said no. I never felt comfortable with kids my age and normally, they would agree and leave me alone but Nash was different. He didn't leave. He stayed. He always did. Nash is the type of person to wiggle himself inside. And maybe that's why he's one of the most important friends I have. Thanks to him, I changed into a better person. Thanks to him I opened up little by little. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2015 ⏰

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