Making another part for Yuki so she can read it when she wakes up! (Yaaay)
Hidden's P.O.V
I was waking to school. I felt bad for our teacher, he seemed to keep getting more sad. JTS met up with me and we walked the rest of the way to school together. First we went to the store and bought some "Toritos" from CrabManCarl. When we arrived at school we went to our lockers and put our lunches in there. Then we walked upstairs. When we got close to our room we saw students gathering around the doorway. We wondered what was wrong then we turned and looked into the room to see teacher Gereth hanging from the ceiling, dead. We should have know something like this would happening it was both horrible andJTS's P.O.V
Hilarious. But... Yeah. Mostly horrible. I felt bad for the guy. Everyone around us was making hanging jokes too. Me and hidden joined in a few times. We where going to get a new teacher soon. We didn't know who, and we also didn't know what to do for the rest of the day. One of our teachers killed themselves and the other one was making kids stop making hanging jokes and getting help. We had nothing to do so we went to eat lunch. It was then that Hidden invited me to the mall again and then see another movie. I said sure because again, it's not like I had anything better to do. Soon you go home because it's really awkward. REALLY awkward. I knew the guy was sad but you never thought he would do this. I get home and think to yourself, man... You should have just hung in there a little longer... We could have helped you... I laugh and think, too soon?HEY author is back. So this wasn't a very long chapter because I didn't have very much to say in it. Just moving the story along. I hope you still enjoyed even if it was a bit short! Bye~