Chapter 17- I missed you

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Jordans pov   

I was frozen in place. I couldn't believe what was happening.

The room went to its normal temperature as Hayes and the doctor came in

"Hey,Jord are you ok?" Hayes asked as he sat next to me

I couldn't tell them,they would think i'm crazy. She was back.Hayes knows that I hear these voices but this was different she was here. I could see her,her black eyes staring into mine,her dirty messy black hair and rags as clothes.

She was my worst nightmare. When I was younger,I use to see her all the time but then she was so kind but after my sister died,the voices got scarier,meaner

They forced me to do things,and she just dissapeared. But now I can see her.

"Jord?" Hayes voice brought me out of my trance

"Uh yeah i'm good" I said quietly

He nodded as the doctor gave me a quik check-up

"Ok,Mrs Grier everything seems to be good,you can leave if you want to,i'll go get the papers" he said

As he said that I noticed he called me 'Mrs Grier' I looked at Hayes and saw him looking around with a smirk on his face

"Hayes,you actually signed me in as your wife? And the doctors actually believe it?" I asked him

"Well yeah,for doctors they are really stupid" he said and laughed. And so did I

Oh my cheese I missed his laugh so freaking much

"Look Jord I didn't mean anything I said that night, I was just afraid that if you left me you would find someone else like Calum" he sighed and closed his eyes

I took his hands in mine and felt something wet drip on my hand, was he crying?

"I'm so sooo very sorry Jord. I miss you soo much I didn't mean any of it I swear please come back to me,I love you" he begged as he cried.

I started crying too and hugged him tightly.

"I love you Hayes" I whispered into his ear

He looked at me "Really,will you be my girlfriend again?"

I kissed his cheek "Well we never broke up,so yes"

I hugged me and then kissed me

It was so different,it was slow and passionate and gentle. It was perfect

The doctor came in with the papers and I signed them and we left. Hayes decided to take me to see the others.

I really missed them,like crazy.

We arrived at the studio where they were supposed to be

"You know,we still have to do our last meet and greet  which is tomorrow night. You could join us?" he said looking hopeful

I smiled at the thought of performing with them again
"Yeah i'd love that" I said

He smiled big and pulled me by my hand and dragged me into the studio, I heard a guitar strumming as  we walked into the  room. All of them were in that room and Shawn was strumming the guitar

They all looked up and looked so shocked to see me

"Hey guys" I said

They all ran towards me and hugged me

"I missed so much Jord" Shawn said

"Yeah me too" said Taylor

And everyone agreed

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