Chapter 2: Why?

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[Chanyeol's POV]

Did I hear right? Hana is back? But where is she? How come I havent seen her? I stood up and went towards Eunji, putting my hands on her shoulder. "Where is she?" I asked while shaking her. She wasnt answering me so I asked her again. "Where is Hana?"

"I told you already, she's with Bohyeon" she said, removing my hands off her shoulder. "Where are they?" I asked again.

"Dont cause any trouble, Chanyeol. I know you, you'll go after her if I tell you where she is"

"Just tell me where she is!"

"Chanyeol!" I stopped when I heard Xiumin. "Calm down" he said as I nodded and apologized. I cant take it anymore. I want to see Hana again. My feelings for her is still here in my heart, stuck. "I'll just find her by myself" I said and ran away.

"Yah!!" I heard Eunji yelled something but I didnt care. All I care right now is Hana. If Eunji told us about this, it means that she saw her in the park. So I ran to the park just to find her there. As soon as Im there, I was right on time. She was smiling while holding hands with the guy. Bohyeon. I glared at him and clenched my hands. I was about to walk towards them and punch him but someone stopped me. I turned my head and saw Jungkook with a blank expression. "Dont" is the only thing he said. "Why?" I asked.

"If you cause a fight, Hana will be scared of you" he said and it made me confused. "What do you mean?"

"Hana doesnt remember anything" he sighed, "Just go back with the others"

"Why would I believe you, vampire kid?" I asked and raised a brow. "Because I know everything" he said and grabbed my arm. "Now, lets just go before anything else happens" he pulled me as I took one last glance to them. I saw Bohyeon looked at me and smirked. Someday, I'll punch your stupid face.

As soon as we got back in the house, the first thing I saw was Eunji, her arms crossed. "I told you not to go after her" she said as she shook her head. I sighed and sat beside Baekhyun. "We know that you still have feelings for her" Kris said.

"But you just have to--"

"To what? Forget her?" I raised a brow, "I cant do that". Eunji sighed, putting her hands on her waist. "Kai, Kyungsoo, Jungkook, we'll talk about something" she said as they followed her. When they were gone, I sighed and stood up. "Where are you going, Chanyeol?" Chen asked and I just shook my head. I headed upstairs to my room and locked the door.

I lay on my bed and stared at the ceiling. What Jungkook told me earlier, why? Why did she forget about everything? Why was she with Bohyeon? They were holding hands and laughing with each other. Are they... dating? No! Why would she date someone who pushed her off the cliff? Unless... he did something to her. I sat up and crossed my legs. Maybe he casted a spell on her. Wait...

When we were at the cliff, he was holding her arm. He tightened his grip which made her hurt. And when Lay was trying to heal her, her arm was red. Did he put her some kind of poison?


Sorry for the crappy chapter (T^T) I still hope you like it. And sorry if its also short.

Im back with my sorrys again XD Im slow at updating so please forgive me. Im a really busy person.

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