Chapter 9: Bring Her Back

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[Jungkook's POV]

"Are you sure about this, Jungkook?" Taehyung asked as he scratched his non-itchy head. I gave him a short nod and continued to walk. I have a feeling that what I'll be doing right now will be good and it won't be ruined. I had another plan ready just in case it got ruined. But something also tells me that my plan won't work whatever I would do. Maybe I'm just too desperate to get Hana back. I quietly heaved a sigh and stopped with my tracks as I looked up. Bohyeon's house was blocks away from us, but it's close. "We're almost there" I told them, turning my head to the two guys behind me.

Gab took a short sigh and said, "Jungkook, just like what Taehyung said, are you sure about this?" I nodded again. I can't show them that I'm starting to doubt this won't work. I mean, this has to work! This is the only thing I can do since I owe those werewolves so much. I want to help them bring Hana back, it's for the best anyway. "Don't worry, Gab, I know what I'm doing" I said and turned to where our destination is.

But before we could reach the place, someone suddenly blocked our way. That figure just appeared our of nowhere. I moved back to get a better view of the figure that just appeared and with a shocked expression, my mouth slightly opened. It was Kai. He just teleported in front of us. "What are you guys doing?" he asked and looked straight into my eyes.

I gulped. "We were going to get Hana back" I told him.

"How? Do you even have a--" I cut him off.

"Of course we do, and our plan will work--" this time, it was him who cut me off.

"How sure are you that your plan will work?"

I was actually taken aback. Sure, we have a plan but I wasn't sure whether our plan will work or not. I'm doubting it. Kai smirked and shook his head. "Just by looking at your expression, you aren't sure if your plan will work" he said as I slowly lowered my head. I guess I'm THAT desperate to get her back. "You know, whatever your plan is, it won't really work. You know how unexpected Bohyeon's acts are"

"Then how are we gonna get Hana back? If all our plans never work then, we'll never get her back. Kai, look, if we won't get her back from us, it'll be a chaos. Bohyeon is planning something that will destroy everything and it'll make him stronger. He is only using Hana!"

"You know a lot of things, yet, you don't tell us"

I looked away, avoiding his gaze. He's right. I do know a lot but I don't tell them about it. It's just that, I might regret it. I don't want to repeat the past. Someone might be in danger again and that's because of me. I'm at fault, and I never wanted that. I opened my mouth and was about to say something, but Kai spoke first. "Jungkook, do you even know what will happen to Hana if we won't bring her back?" he asked, making me nod vigorously. This might be the right thing to do. I have to tell them everything.

"Bohyeon will turn her into a vampire. Once she's turned into a vampire, she will be unstoppable. She can.. defeat us easily"

"But how will she defeat us easily when she's a human? I don't get your logic"

"Kai, there are more things you need to know about Hana. She's not just an ordinary human"

Kai frowned. I knew he will be shocked after this. He knew Hana for so long, but he never knew about this. "What do you mean?"

I heaved a sigh. "Hana... she's actually half vampire"


I'm so sorry for not updating!! School started four weeks ago and I got quite busy. But here I am! I'm also sorry if this chapter is so short, forgive me.

Okayyyyy so this chapter is quite shocking. Y'all thought Hana is just an ordinary human, but nope. The explanation will be in the next chapter and I'm working on it! I'm kinda making this story more exciting since I feel like this story has been very down. My inspiration was gone that's why I was kind of in hiatus these past months. I was kind of depressed with something personal. I'm trying to get my inspiration back so that I can have my confidence back again.

BUT YOOOWWW!!!!! Y'all will know why Hana is half vampire in the next chapter! Jungkook will finally spill everything to them.

P.S. EXO's comeback, Power, was so amazing :3

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