My eyes stick together as I pry them open, my face is sticky and salty. My fingertips covered in dirt. I blink slowly, the forest once again surrounds me.
"You can't escape."
I turn around to a woman in white.
"You can't escape your own mind. You'll never escape."
She stands tall. A clip board rests in her hands. Her glasses hold the reflections of what resides on the paper. A mental analysis. She's a psychologist. A cruel smile spreads across her face.
"You'll never escape your anxiety. Your fear. It will come. You'll be calm, it will come. One trigger. It will come. You'll try to save your friends. They're beyond saving. They can't be saved. You'll never be saved. You'll never escape. Your panic will be your death. Then you will start the cycle over."
Her smile melts into a straight face. Her skin begins to boil the air around her.