Where is she?

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Scott's POV

"So let me get this right....my sister, Alexa is a werewolf!" Stiles asked, for the last ten minutes I had been trying to explain this situation to Lydia, Allison, Isaac, Stiles and Boyd, but still was getting no where.

"Yes Stiles for the fifth time." 

"And this Jeremiah dude wants you to bring him Derek...in exchange for Alexa?" I shook my head.

"I don't get it though what the hell does he want with Derek?" Isaac asked.

"I don't know...all I know is that he has Alexa and he's Deucalion's nephew."

"Wait, Deucalion's nephew...Deucalion kills people to make himself a more powerful alpha right," Stiles stated standing up.


"So what if him killing Derek will make Deucalion respect him a little more."

"What?" Lydia inserted," That doesn't make since Stiles."

"Yeah it does....What if Deucalion banned Jeremiah for something and the only way of getting back his respect from his uncle is finishing a job he didn't finsh."

"So you think that Jeremiah had previously tried to kill Derek but didn't succeed and then was shunned....that make perfect since." Allison stated with a roll of her eyes.

"He's Correct," Derek's voice intervined from the doorway of my room, with Kora behind him.

"Oh..now you decide to use a door," Stiles stated, raising an eyebrow.

Derek glared at Stiles before pushing himself of the frame and fully walking in my room," Jeremiah once did try to kill me but didn't succeed."

"What happened?" Boyd asked.

"After I fled from the fire I had ran into him and his little pack....he said that either I could join his pack or I could die trying to get away...we fought I won..."

"That's it" I wondered, thinking that there would be more


"Did you know he was Deucalion's nephew."

"No...I didn't even know who the hell Deucalion was...now back to the important stuff...you wanted to turn me into Jeremiah."

"No...well...yeah he has Alexa."

"How do you know its not a trap?" Kora asked finally speaking up," she could just be using you to get Derek."

"She's right Scott...." Allison agreed standing up and putting her hand on my shoulder," I mean you saw how different she had been acting  it could be-"

"No! alright...I get Alexa changed but....you didn't see the way she looked at me when she cried....she was really scared...whether it was fake or not!"

"Scott...I hate to agree with Allison but maybe we need to listen to her." Stiles stated looking at me weirdly.

"No you guys don't get it she's scared and whether she did this on purpose or not....she's scared." I growled before walking out of my room and down stairs to the kitchen.

I need to calm down, but how can they not get it...she could be dead.

but I'm not at least not yet.



I sighed great all I get is that one thing from her at least it helps to know she's alive."

"Scott" I turned around to see Allison and huffed,"Why do I have a feeling that you care about Alexa more than you have been saying you have?"

"I....Allison..it is not the time"

"Then when is the time Scott!....do you even still love me."

"Allison this isn't about you okay!....why the hell do you have to make everything about Allison....Alexa's in trouble and you really think now is the best time for this bullshit." i growled venom dripping from every word I said.

She looked down and bit on her bottom lip,"Just...tell me...do you love her.?"


"Do you love her!?"

"Yes!!, Allison I love her with all my heart and....I wanted to tell her but then I....you...I still had feelings for you and I was confused...and I shouldv'e told her earlier than maybe this wouldv'e never happened."

She looked up at me and I could see tears, I sighed the one thing I had wanted to avoid. It got quiet between us , both of us now looking down not daring to look up.

"I'm Sorry" I whispered breaking the silence,"For yelling...but Allison...right now all I want to do is get her back...wether she's on his side or not."

"I know...and I'm sorry for bringing this up...I just needed to know," it got quiet between us again," I'm going back upstairs."

I sighed," My girlfriend hates me....the girl i'm in love with might be evil and I don't even know what to do next."

The doorbell ringed pulling me from my thoughts and I quickly walked over to the door thinking it was my mom. I opened the door and grimaced when I saw him, Chase.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"If you want Alexa back and to stop Jeremiah....you're going to need me."

"What makes you think I trust you?"

"because I'm the only one who knows where Alexa is." he smirked

"Where is she?"

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