Chapter 1

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I'm running through the forest and something brush my shoulder. So I stop and listen, and I hear a twig crack behind me. I turned around to see a zomblie/vampire/wearwolf/demon type of thing about to strike. Through what I thought I saw a glimpse of what was behind it look like an old waterpark. I don't care exactly what it was as long as I could get away for this....this Vambdwolf. Yeah I know it's a weird name, but what else could I have Named it ZOMBIE DUFUS!?                            NO!!!!that would be weard!     OPPS!i almost got bit by one of the monsters. Time to go to the water park. I really do want to go to the waterpark infested with Vambies or wolf demons, but what other choice did I have one option was to be consumed by a weard creature or to go to the creepy old abandoned I ran to the old abanded waterpark but when I got there I saw Jasmine and Izzie about to be consumed by Vambies. I grabbed my bow and a arrow I ammed and fired I saw it was a direct hit. I ran over to jasmine and Izzie to see if they were OK. 

"Jasmine! Izzie!" I cried are you "OK ."

"yeah we're fine," replyed jasmine. 

"if you were here in five seconds after we would be Vambie food," lzzie gasped. 

I started, "well I'm just glad you guys are ok. Where are the others?"

"I don't know," lzzie replyed.  

"We were all together at sheldons cave, but they disappeared after awhile," Jasmine said.

"Well that's not entirely true," Izzie replyed. 

"What do you mean that is not in I entirly true Izzie? "I ask 

"Well we were headed towards the school if you stop to set up camp."

"Where did you set up camp?" I interrupted. 

"At the big spoon place."Jasmine replyed quickly 

"Well at least you had ice cream and toppings." I laughed 

"You're right about one thing but it wasn't A very good idea to camp out there." Said a voice. So we all turned to the voice. 

We all said "Eva!!"

"OMG Are you OK? Where is everyone else? Did they get consumed or eaten by vambies or wolf Demons?" Izzie freaked. 


"You know that's not gonna work?" I said.

"I know but I know what will." Replyed Eva. I looked at her curiously and then giggled. I ran over to Jasmine and told her what a low was going to do to Izzie. Eva took off her shoe and amed it at Izzie and threw it at her. Jasmine and I started laughing so hard we fell over and then laughed even harder. 

"Hey guys, hit me in the," Izzie started but changed thought "JASMINE! SONORA! EVA! BEHIND YOU!" She cried. We turned to see a whole group of vambdwolfs! We all ran behind a building. We stopped to catch our breath. "Wow are we going to stop them?"she cried 

"We're out numbered,"

"Not anymore your not,"said a voice we turned to it and it was tykira, Rosalie, and corbet. 

"We're so glad your hear." Excitedly I said 

"Save all the drama and questions for later," said Tykira "we have monsters to kill."

"How are we going to fight when we don't have wepons?" Asked Izzie 

"We have a bunch in this bag." Tykira showed us the bag. 

"Gear up team,"I said I grabbed a cool looking dagger, a gold bow an arrow with  gems on it, an electric blue cloak, and a sword.the others got the same thing as mind but different colers than mine. When I was putting my dagger in my steth. 

Rosalie came over and said "all the cloak can turn the person whose whereing it invisible. You press the gem on your cloaks."

"That's awesome! Go tell the others."I said. When we we're already and armed we double checked we had everything we needed to fight. Everyone did it but one person CORBETT. "Hurry up!!"

We don't have all day Corbett," Tykira angrily added while she tapped her foot.   

 Sorry my sword won't fitt in my steth!" He whined. 

"That's becuse your putting it in wrong!" Eva helped

"Oh that would help." Replyed Corbett 

"Yeah ya think," Jasmine put in her two sence "Duummass."

"Everyone ready?"I asked

"YES!" They all shouted 

"Charge!!" I yelled. Everyone charged towards the vambdwolfs. I pressed the gem on my cloak so I would be invisible. So did the others. I cut off a vambdwolfs leg then I went for the heart. Corbet got 3 in one hit, Tykira got 4 in two hits, Rosalia got 4 in 1 hit, Eva got 5 in 3 hits, Jasmine 5 in 1 hit, and I got 5 in 1 hit. We all started to get tired even me. Their were others vambdwolfs and they we're  coming  it didn't really help that are invisibility cloaks were off. Then Eva almost got bit, and on other etching it didn't help that Izzie was jumping up and down screaming her head off. Rosalia and Tykira were staying calm, but corbet was another thing he was screaming and crying for his "mommy" in his words. I was checking to see if everyone was ok. I was thinking Eva would throw her shoe at at Corbett instead of Izzie and she did and it littend the mood a little but not much. Then Emmonie and Jaden sprang out of nowhere and killed 5 of them each. I killed some to but some of are people's spirits were lifted and joined the battle when we killed the last vambdwolfs in the group I towards Emmonie and Jaden. 

"Where in the hell have you guys been????"I asked 

"Well excuse me!"said Emmonie "what would you rather us do have you be food or save you?"

"Ok ok I'm sorry but thank you oh and Haden you got a little cut on you leg."I replyed 

"Oh that," jaden cried "it's just a little cut."

"No it isn't!" I said "your body could be transforming into one of those ugly creatures!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2016 ⏰

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