Personal Life of A Charmed One

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Starring: Piper Halliwell, Phoebe Halliwell, Paige Matthews, Leo Wyatt, Coop Valentine and Henry Mitchell.

Featuring: Billie Jenkins, Elise Rothman


Phoebe Halliwell woke earlier than the rest of her house, Parker was still asleep as was Coop. Phoebe threw on a flowery print dress and tied her back, she then proceeded to enter the living area of her home. "Just to make sure no more demon's attack" Phoebe muttered to herself. Phoebe clutched onto a trunk that was hidden underneath her sofa and placed it on the coffee table opposite her. Phoebe clicked open the trunk and pulled out five protective crystals. "I am not going to lose you" Phoebe said to herself.

Phoebe hid the crystals around the house so that no one except for her or her sisters could enter the house and no one could leave, magically or otherwise.


Billie Jenkins was sprawled carelessly on her bed, she hadn't cleaned her dorm in weeks, she hadn't eaten in days and she hadn't drunk in hours. Billie knew what she did was right, but she couldn't face the fact that her sister was now dead, the sister she had fought so hard to find and rescue just to find out she had been manipulated and transformed into a demon.

Billie's face was overwhelmed with tears and numerous amounts of used tissues were spread across her floor. Suddenly Billie covered her eyes in pain as Paige orbed in to her dorm.

"Billie, sweetie what are you doing?" Paige asked, Paige ran over to her former charge and current ally and comforted her just as Piper and Phoebe did when she first met them. "Everyone I loved is gone, my parents, and now my sister. I should be where she is now!" Billie cried.

"No, don't you ever speak like that, you did the right thing, you protected yourself and made the right decision". Billie hoped that Paige was right.


Phoebe sauntered through the Bay Mirror and made her way to her office. Phoebe slouched in her chair and rubbed her temples aggressively. Phoebe's boss, Elise knocked gently on Phoebe's office door before letting herself in anyway. "What's the matter Phoebe? This morning's paper hasn't been published yet". Phoebe sighed in disbelief and turned to face her employer.

"Well I'm having my usual family drama, someone old from my life just came back and I'm constantly worrying about my husband, any advice?". Elise chuckled.

"Phoebe, if I know and believe me I do, use your own advice, everyone else use's yours so why not try it, and remember Phoebe, YOU HAVE A DEADLINE!". Phoebe and Elise giggled in unison. "Oh and Elise, I might just take you up on your offer". Elise smiled and then headed out.


Piper Halliwell skipped joyfully around a potential restaurant which her estate agent was presenting to her. "I like the kitchen in this one but there's not enough storage space" Piper said, assessing her surroundings. Piper's estate agent; Janice, stood poised with her noise held high in the air looking down on Piper. "There's one more left, if that's OK with you of course, bitch" Janice said, she muttered the last part. "Urgh!" Piper grunted, she then flicked her wrist's causing the estate agent to freeze. Suddenly Piper's phone began to ring. "Hello?"

"Piper it's me, Phoebe, I just got my empathy power back!" Phoebe said, introducing herself.

"What? How? first levitation and now empathy" Piper said, she was confused, puzzled even.

"Maybe the power's that be thought I deserved them back, who knows, what are you doing?"

"Looking for my restaurant, so far nothing!" Piper sighed.

Phoebe felt bad for Piper, she had always wanted to have her own restaurant, it was her dream, her passion.


Leo Wyatt, Henry Mitchell and Coop Valentine sat in the living area of the Halliwell Manor, All the kids ran riot around the house whilst the men had their own conversation. "So Leo, you were magical before right?" Henry asked, being the only one out of the three that has never been a magical being. Leo nodded in response. "What was it like, for you two, having powers but being guides to your wives rather than fight along side them?". Leo who had the most experience with the Charmed One's personally and magically, answered Henry's second question.

"Well, at first when I was advised to the girls I couldn't let them know about who I was, and then Phoebe found me out and I fell in love with Piper, I knew that If I was going to be with her I would have to learn how to accept the fact that she was one of the most powerful witches in the world and that she would be in risk of danger all the time" Leo explained. Leo was grateful for the personal experiences that he had in his mind, Coop felt the same.

But poor Henry, he was defenceless had never experienced magic and had a wife who was at risk every day of her life. "You'll get through this man, we did" Coop said, patting his brother in law on the back.

The three husband's of the Charmed Ones were interrupted by Paige and Phoebe's entrance. "We interrupting something?" Paige asked sarcastically whilst smiling. Leo, Henry and Coop laughed.

"Just our blossoming bromance" Coop said.

Everyone cackled with laughter.

"How was Billie?" Phoebe asked curiously, it had been so long since she had seen her, she didn't know how she would react to seeing Paige. "Not good, she's in pretty bad shape, hopefully she'll come around, where's Piper?" Paige explained.

"Restaurant hunting, she'll be back any min -" Leo was interrupted by Piper's entrance. Piper made her way into the living area and sat beside Leo. "So, how was it?" Phoebe asked intently.

"Well.....I got one! I'm calling it, Halliwell's!" Piper announced, everyone was happy and jealous of Piper.

"So what are you going to do with P3?" Henry asked.

Piper contemplated on her answer. "I'm still going to keep it, it's a big part of my life and it's one of the things that I still share with Prue, I'll just have to find someone to run it for a while" Piper explained.

"And I think I know who...Billie!" Paige suggested. "It'll take her mind off of Christy and besides you need someone to run that club".

"OK, but your asking her!" Piper said.


Billie Jenkins stood for the first time in days, Billie made her way over to her bathroom when suddenly a figure materialised in front of Billie. "Who are you?" Billie barely whispered.

"I am Ares and I'm more than just the god of war, I am war!" And then Billie felt herself being snatched out of her dorm and into somewhere vile.

A/N: Ooooh, I know there wasn't much action and that there hasn't been yet, but in the next episode the Charmed Ones will be doing some major fighting!

Next Week: Paige discovers that Billie has gone missing and alerts her sisters. Billie finds out Ares true motivations and something else. Piper uncovers the person responsible for bringing Jeremy back from the dead. Phoebe makes a shocking revelation and Coop confronts her about his safety. Will Billie Survive? Will another demon from the past return? Find out next time on Charmed...

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