The truth will be revealed..

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happy holidays and shit...okay moving on lol

I'm in a good just sick of all these damn Christmas movies/songs playing over and over again every five minutes..

yall know I keeps it real. I cant be fake. But I can be sneaky..*wink wink*

(whatever that means..dont think to hard about it lol)

>.< I'm tryna remember were we left off and I really don't feel like re-reading my own story lol...


mans pov:

I closed the door after our little shower fiasco a few minutes ago. Feeling his body and inhaling his scent made me feel different. not just pleasure but something more to it. can you imagine having a huge house and having nobody to share it with? I pressed my ear to the door and heard he crying?  " he will thank you later" i repeatedly told myself that.. "soon his crying will be replaced with my love  for him".. just when i was about to knock on the door, it swung open with him standing right in front of me fully dressed now. He smirked...what games is he playing? I don't trust that mysterious smile.

"what are you-"

"i guess since your not planning on telling me who you are any time soon..ill just have to look through your phone for answers"

"how did you get that! give it to me now or else ill-"

"youll what! threaten me again?...lets be honest..youre not going to hurt me, so you tell me what i want to know or your phone will smash into little tiny pieces! "

" want answers? ill give them to you...come with me"

laurents pov:

soon we were walking down the hallway turning a corner. We ended up going into a master bedroom that seemed to be his room. Its beautiful and bright, He picked up a photo that was on top of his dresser. He chuckled, probably seeing my face of curiousity.

"Um..i believe i said i wanted answers, not some dusty wrinkled up photo"

"youre very sassy and dramatic for a prisoner.. just look at it laurent"

i looked at the photo and my eyes widened , a gasp left my mouth seeing mammi who was in it..and that's me as a baby..b-but whose...who is the other baby? either all babies look alike or his is...he..h-he..

"Laurent...mammi separated us when we were little..she didn't want us to be together, before she separated us she gave me this photo of you so i can remember you. She said in a couple of years we would be reunited be we never were Laurent..She said i was a bad influence for you, i was so angry..i had so much hate in my heart because of you remember Laurent?"

*clears throat and blinks eyes to prevent from crying* " i...i remember me playing with my brother when i was little...i remember me being happy but then..she said it was only temporary to be separated ...all these years...i forgot ...i moved on thinking it was for the best.."

"she lied to you Laurent...we were supposed to be a was supposed to be Laurent, mammi, and...Larry"

"w-what did you just s-"

"Larry Nicolas bourgouis" (did i spell his name right lol?)

Laurent couldn't stop the tears from falling as he stood there in his long lost brothers room..he couldn't believe what was happening..he finally new the secret..Larry suddenly came closer to Laurent, Laurent being frightened by all the not so good news backed up..they kept at this until Laurents back was now against the wall and larry was now right in front of close ..he took of his mask revealing his face that looked identical to laurents.

"youre my twin brother!...youre missing puzzle"

"yes Laurent..i had to figure out when to get you when the timing was were always surrounded my people so i couldn't really reach you..but when i saw you coming from the gym that day..i new the day has sorry for scaring and hurting you..but as your twin brother ..well long lost twin brother...i had to see you..when I'm around you i feel..different..good different."

"all these years ive wasted! knowing that there is someone or something out there!..ive never felt so betrayed before..and by my own family! she really thought she could do this to me!"

"i..i know Laurent..dont worry..ill protect you now"

larry hugged Laurent, who was now crying and confused. Laurent felt pain, be it soon dissolved when larry wrapped his arms around him. He kissed his cheek, Laurent felt different also, when his new twin touched him the way he did. Laurent rested his head and larrys shoulder while they stood there hugging eachother, supporting eachother. He blushed when he felt larrys lips gently meet his own.  There was a different and unique kind of love in there new relationship. What would happen now?

Larry let go of Laurent, he held his hand pulling him onto the bed. He made Laurent sit on his lap wrapping his arms around his waist. Laurent no longer felt in danger, now that he new who this mysterious man was, turns out it was his own twin all along. They sat in silence until Laurent spoke.

"what do we do now?"

*smirks* "we go see the person who is responsible for our separation Laurent"

"what will we do?"

"nothing, we are just going to give her a big sure shell love seeing us reunited "

"i still cant believe mammi did this..i thought i trusted her.."

"Don't worry, feel free to let her know how you feel, and when you do Laurent...unleash the beast in you"

"t-the beast?.. are you sure?"

" I'm positive"


laurents eyes turned  red from  crying to much. Anger built up inside of him as they drove closer and closer to reach mammi B's house. Larry who is in the passenger , glanced over at Laurent. He loved the fact that he was connected with his brother again, he also loved that he felt so much passion as to how he felt knowing the big secret that was now releaved. He planned on moving far away with Laurent and build a new life together. But of course not before  confronting the person who caused so much in the first place.

            laurent was nervous about what was in store to come. His grip on the will tightened making larry notice. Larry leaned over and placed his hand over Laurents hand silently telling him to loosen up. Laurent only nodded and giggled understanding.

larry smiled to himself, in his mind he was thinking:

"oh mammi, don't you know i always win?

I told you Laurent will be mine"


Tell me what you think..

I'm going to go eat now...

peace out.

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