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A/N guys I'm sorry that I haven't been updating this book but I've been really busy. But I'm sad to say this but it's only a couple of chapters until the end of this book because this is a short story. Anyway enjoy....

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"What does this do?" Blair asked pointing the the silver nozzle behind the bar top, she sat on the bar stool leaning against the counter. Harry stood behind the bar wiping some glasses, "it's where the beer comes out," he smiled.

Blair wanted to see what type of club he worked at so he brought her along with him on this busy Friday night, it wasn't that busy as of right now since it was still early in the evening and the night was just starting.

Harry was sceptical on whether or not to bring Blair tonight because he wasn't sure if she would get tired or bored from sitting there doing nothing as Harry would have to keep up with customers and serve them drinks. But Blair insisted that she'll be fine watching Harry from the side.


Just like Harry predicted Blair had grown bored from watching Harry pour numerous spirits and countless women trying to make poor attempts of getting Harry's attention. She was bored of folding napkins to pass time. She didn't want dance alone, she wanted to dance with Harry, she didn't want to drink alone, she wanted to drink with Harry.

She sighed as she folded yet another napkin on the bar counter. Harry was pouring another order of drinks

A young man had taken a seat next to Blair, but she didn't think much of it. "Hi," the young male said, Blair looked to the guy then looked behind her to make he wasn't talking to someone else, "I'm Jake."

"Oh, um...I'm Blair," she smiled small.

"You having a good time?" Jake asked as he waited to have his drink ordered, "not really," she started fidgeting with a folded napkin.

"How come?" He was simply asking just to make conversation, He had no intention to make a move on this girl or to take her home but if it happened it happened.

"I'm waiting for my boyfriend to finish work," yes boyfriend. Over the last couple of weeks Blair and Harry have become very close in their relationship. They have been on many dates and not to mention the countless times they've had sex. Harry loved her, and she loved him.

"If you want I could buy you a drink," Jake asked with a hopeful smile.

"No that's okay," she smiled.

Harry had just slid that the customers 'Gin & Tonic' over to them, he then wiped the counter top down with a cloth. A giggle was heard that caught Harry's attention. Recognised that giggle, Blair's.

He looked over to where she was sitting, his smile that was on Harry's smile that was on his face slipped once he saw that Blair was giggling because of some guy that wasn't Harry.

His hand clenched around the cloth that was in his hand and his jaw tensed, anyone could tell he was pissed just buy looking at him.

He walked over to the other side of the bar where Blair and unknown guy was at, "hi, what can I get you?" Harry's tone was clipped when he asked Jake his order.

Blair was widely smiling at Harry, he could feel that she was, but he wasn't going to look at her because he was too mad. He grabbed the beer glass and put under the nozzle and pulled the leaver. Blair watched with interest as he did so.

When the glass was full Harry sloppily put the glass down in front of Jake, the liquid and froth spilling on the counter top, "woah easy mate," Jake laughed a little but stopped once he saw that Harry did not find this funny.

"Blair do you want come sit with me?" Jake offered with his beer in his hand.

"I think she should stay here," Harry's patients was running thin, he wanted this guy gone away from Blair.

"Well, I think it would be better if she waited with someone rather than alone for her Boyfriend," Jake started to get a little annoyed at Harry.

"I am her boyfriend," Jake's face dropped, "oh, I think I'll see you later Blair."

Harry wiped down the counter top where the beer spilt, Blair said nothing.


After business died down, Harry was driving himself and Blair home.

Blair slipped her hand on to Harry's knee but he moved his hand away from her touch. As soon as he did that Blair looked to him confused, he would never move away from her touch, ever.

"Harry what wrong?" He ignored her the first time until she persisted, "Harry?"

"Maybe I'm annoyed at the fact that you were flirting with some random guy," Blair was confused again, "what do you mean? I was only talking to him."

"No you weren't Blair! You were full on flirting with him, he was all over you." His voice boomed through the car.

No Blairs patients was wearing thin, "you know that's not true," her voice sounded firmer, "how do you think I felt when all these girls kept talking to you at the bar?" Their car slowed down at a stop light.

Harry couldn't take it, he jealousy and stubbornness getting to him, "Blair just shut up! Your just a sex doll!"

"What," her lip trembled, did he just say that. Harry didn't say anything trying to regain his temper. Blairs eyes filled with salty tears. She couldn't believe that he said that, "Blair I'm so-" but he didn't get to continue his apology, because she took off her seatbelt and got out of the car.

"Blair! Blair what are you doing? Please get back in the car it cold outside. You know I didn't mean it I'm sorry, baby please." He got out of the car himself to try run after her but she was too fast.

"Blair!" Harry jumped as cars started to beep at him to move his car, since the red light had turned green. He ran his hand through his hair out of frustration but nonetheless got back in his car. He needed to find Blair.

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