08: that

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Supposedly, Jimin and Jiwoo had been secretly dating for a few days now.

Jimin just didn't want it to be awkward if they bumped into each other in the house, so they made an agreement. And he still wanted to get over Yoongi somehow through this even if it causes some trouble.

Jiwoo, on the other hand, thought she would be fired if she didn't agree, so here she is. She thought Jimin was okay, and tolerable. She just wondered how long it was going to be like this.

Little did she know Jimin wondered the same thing.

It was Friday afternoon when Jimin got home. He was welcomed by his brother and girlfriend who were 'chatting' on the couch.

How secret was their relationship? Not even Jihyun knew, but if he was hearing, oh~ he'd know alright. They weren't exactly quiet, especially Jimin.

But the reason it was so easy to hide it was because they didn't have actual feelings for the other, and didn't have a problem keeping their hands to theirselves in public.

"Did you both eat already?" Jimin asked as he sat down. He was quite surprised in himself. He spent more time near his brother this week than he had in a year.

"Jihoon ate. I have plans with friends. You wanna come?" Jiwoo asked.

Jimin didn't think about it. The idea, he didn't like it at all. "Okay, why not?" But he forced himself to agree. 'Anything, but sex,' he thought to himself.

Because in all honesty it wasn't working, in fact, it probably made things worse. Jiwoo smiled. "Great! I can't wait for you to meet my friends!"

And she genuinely meant that. 'Maybe he'll like one of them more than me,' she thought to herself full of hope. Then she thought of her brother. He likes guys maybe they'll hook up? She laughed.

"What's so funny?" Jimin asked.

Neither of them noticed Jihyun had left to him room and knocked himself out on his bed.

"Nothing... You wouldn't happen to like guys, right?" She jokingly asked.

Jimin's heart stopped.

'How did she know?' He thought, 'I mean- there's nothing to know. I'm straight! I'm straight...'

Jiwoo furrowed her brows as Jimin looked to be lost in thought. "A-Are you?"

"No...No! God no, I'm not. Why would you say that. How can that even- that's not- I'm not!"

Jimin stood up from his seat on the couch. Jiwoo watched as his fist clenched and unclenched and stood up as well. 'Yep, he's gay.'


Jiwoo and Jimin walked side by side into small bar. Jimin was getting anxious because he knows he's underage and he doesn't want to get in trouble.

Jiwoo sensed Jimin's anxiety and held his hand. "Don't worry, you don't have to do anything you don't want to," she says and he relaxes a bit.

As soon as they walk in Jiwoo spots Yoongi's back and smiles brightly before running over to him and back hugging him.

"Hey, I missed you," she says happily. Yoongi almost falls backwards from the action, but stops himself with his foot.

"Jesus! You trying to kill me?" Yoongi exasperated holding onto Jiwoo for support.

Jimin's eyes grew twice their size when he saw the person he'd been avoiding for weeks. Yoongi's eyes met with Jimin's and Jimin quickly looked away. He looked between Jiwoo and Jimin, then asked, "Is this your new boyfriend?"

"Mmhmm, he is, so be nice," she pled.

Puzzled, Yoongi clears his throat. Technically Jiwoo hadn't dated anyone seriously in her whole life, so why now? And with Jimin?

She smirked at Yoongi which made him grow tense.

Yoongi forcefully laughed and gave Jiwoo a knowing look. "I thought we agreed to stop that," Yoongi reminded trying not to sound condescending, though he was hiding his nervousness.

"No, I thought we agreed you stop that." Jiwoo corrected and Yoongi's smile disappears.

"I'm kidding, Yoongi. Geez," she laughed and Yoongi shook his head.

Jimin was beyond confused about their conversation, but let it pass. When Yoongi made his way in front of him he suddenly forgot how to breathe and inched back.

"It's nice to meet you Jimin," Yoongi smiled sincerely.

Jimin stared at Yoongi's lips before stuttering, "Y-You too." He held out his hand awkwardly, but Yoongi moved around it and encased the younger in a hug that made Jimin's heart beat unbearably hard against his chest.

"Jimin..?" Yoongi whispered in Jimin's ear when he felt his heart beating like it was going to blast out of his body, but something else struck Yoongi down south.

Yoongi lets go of Jimin and looks down at the bulge in Jimin's pants.

Jiwoo got suspicious when the hug lasted a little longer than she thought it would. "Um, do you guys already know each other?"


Yoongi and Jimin speak at the same time. Yoongi turns around and drags Jimin over to a seat making sure no one sees his excitement. "We go to the same school, duh." Yoongi could make out a slight smile growing upon Jiwoo's face the moment she saw Jimin blushing and he quickly pulls her to the side.

"Yes, we know each other" Yoongi confesses, "...and to be honest Jiwoo, I haven't stopped that."

what's that?

a hat?
junky hat
hair unsightly
tryna look like Kira Knightly
we been ther
we done that
we see right through your funky hat
Okay no one likes me

I feel like there is another chapter with this title oml

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2016 ⏰

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