Chapter 1: It all started with a Cake

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Chapter 1

"And the winner is..." Principal Winston announced standing on the theatre stage where all of the beautiful cakes were being displayed.

I for one was very happy with the way my cake had turned out. With the blue decor and flowers and pink icing it looked delish. Or so one of three judges thought.

[pic above]

A sigh escaped my lips on how much I'd been obsessing over this silly little cake competition. But when Alana Jefferson entered the competition I felt like I was oblige to enter. I couldn't let her and her minions show the nobodies up again.

Alana Jefferson was the definition of the perfect mean girl. With perfect hair, body complexion, servants in which she called friends, and the whole school to be her peasants. Alana's father was a very rich man and was known throughout the country. So one wrong move against Alana and your dead.

It wasn't fair. She had everything and could treat the rest of the student body however she wanted and get away with it!

And who am I? The invisible nobody called Avery Hamilton. And I just so happen to be #1 on Alana's hate list.

"Alana Jefferson! Your cake was most delish and throughly decorated. Congratulations!" Principal Winston announced and the crowd cheered, scared of Alana's father.

Alana rushed down the centre aisle in her six inch platform heels clutching her designer purse. She acted as if she was surprised she won, but we all knew she was cocky enough to already know she won.

"Thanks, but I already knew I won!" Alana smirked and received her trophy from our principal shoving him out of the way to take all the spotlight on the stage.

Ugh that girl couldn't share an once of spotlight even if the stage was the size of the goddamn world, I swear.

"And for the runner up..." The crowd went silent and Alana rolled her eyes clearly not caring.
"Avery Hamilton!"

I shot up from my seat, with my cheeks flushing from all the attention. I smiled and gracefully made my way up on to the stage. And by gracefully, I mean apologizing profusely to the people that I accidentally hit as I left my seat, and clumsily tripping on the steps leading towards the stage.

"Congrats Avery, maybe next time you'll actually bake something that doesn't taste like shit." Alana sneered as I took my place beside her.

"Oh please, the judges had to pick you other wise you would've thrown a hissy fit and told your daddy!" I threw back at her and she glared and me and applied five billion layers of lip gloss.

"Whatever." She huffed and I smirked knowing I won. "But your cake totally looks like a toddler threw up a deranged rainbow on it."

I was now the one glaring at her and before I even had time to think I uttered the last phrase is thought I would ever say.

"Well, my cake tastes so good that Mark Anderson fell in love with me. In fact he actually asked me to be his girlfriend." I said confidently and Alana looked taken aback of what I said.

"What?!" She squeaked and my head finally registered what I said.

My mouth dangled open in shock and I nearly dropped the medal o carried in my hands. Mark Anderson was the hottest guy in school.

Oh shit. Oh my fucking lord. What the hell did I just say?! Me and my big ass mouth!

The applause started to die down and Principal Winston ushered us back to our seats while Alana stared at me liked I'd grown two heads.

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