His friends

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Short days,
long nights.
Just the way they like it.
Come to school stoned.
Leave school with too much emotion to handle.
Where will they go next.
Look I see Georgia next left.

His group of friends were some pretty interesting and fucked up people. These were the people that looked at butts for a living and judged girls by their boob size. If you could mix fuckbois, stoners, and greasers together you would get this group of people. This group of people consisted of Sterling, David(DJ), Stephen, and Ben.

Sterling you could say was more of the leader of the group and he kind of did his own thing most of the time. I am not saying it was rare to see Sterling but it was rare to see Sterling like someone. He loved then hated almost everyone in that order. You could say Sterling had jet black hair and his eyes were like this charming and charming yet hateful soul in his eyes. He was pretty average height but he always slouched which always bothered me because in all honesty he was fairly good looking. He let his back go to waste, what a shame.

DJ he was the loner in the group, the "emo" kid you could say. He was always saying he was going to kill himself. I felt kinda bad for him he was this short scrawny kid who had no direction in his life. He had no idea where he was going and what he was doing. He also claimed that he was "cutting". To be perfectly honest I never really understood why he did this but sometimes I would look for scars and I never found any on his wrists. Who knows, maybe he does. I am personally not friends with him. I don't like self destructive people. Never the less, he looked scared all the time. His face was usually flushed and had these black eyes that when you looked into them you could see everything that was wrong with the world. To bad he never made eye contact with anyone, the world would know then what kind of trouble it was in.

Stephen he was kind of Sterling's kiss ass. Stephen was always doing everything he could for Sterling no matter how bad it was. Loyalty is the best policy I guess. Before I go any further with Stephen I have to admit that Stephen was the one with a soul. Sterling just didn't care, but the thing with Stephen is that he cared too much for too little and now he is just in this world just kind of there without consideration for others. Over the summer me and Stephen got together and hung out by ourselves just the two of us. I learned so much about him, and how that he doesn't even really like Sterling (he likes his jokes and think he is funny and all but it is just not who he really wants to spend all his time with). He said that he just stuck with him because they had been friends for such a long time that he just stays with him because that is what he is expected to do. Finally, the thing about being Sterling's suck up is that Stephen got all the good stuff. He got sex, weed, and most of he didn't give a fuck about anything nor anyone anymore. Stephen kind of looked like the penguin with the spiky hair from Surf's Up. But the thing is, he was so thin you could push him over just with a tap to the shoulder. His eyes were this hazel color eyes, definitely made me smile every time I looked in them.

Last of all there was Ben. He was the main hook up (by that I mean druggie). He had everything from vaps to cocaine (no one actually knows why or how he got to be in this, he just sat at lunch with them one day and boom in. Only because of being a druggie). Ben was the shortest guy their partly because he hadn't had his growth spurt yet and that he came from a short family (I met his mom once at our school for back to school night and I was like three inches taller than her, granted I'm a giant compared to everyone else but still). Ben's hair was jet black as well, but he spiked his up as a mini mohawk almost everyday. He was blind as a bat so he wore some hipster glasses and wore either his hockey jersey or his Nirvana shirt to school everyday. Last but not least he wore different colored khakis.

That was his friends for the most part. If they were still a little stoned after a night of smoking they were pretty chilled and laid back. Which personal was my favorite time to talk to them because they were all nice for once and didn't even say shit to you, but I guess it is a personal preference. I forgot to mention one slight detail about everyone in this group: they are all stupid and careless. By this I mean they get caught for drugs and vaps all the time and do their time and then do it again! Which really makes me made because it pisses me off watching it happen not being able to do anything about it but I guess hey, gotta learn your lessons.

Since his friends were stupid and got caught for everything they decided to bring in the stoner wanna be's into their grand scheme of drugs and vaps and crap. Both groups had some help getting caught if you know what I mean. Their was a rat in the group (stoner wanna be's). Wyatt he never did any drug or anything because he is somewhat of a good person. Actually he is a fucking hero compared to those douches. Granted either way Wyatt would get caught. And if he actually did that stuff his and his parents found out he would be dead in an instant (he was always fighting authority anyway so it would turn out equally as bad)

It always surprised me that Wyatt hung out with those people but I knew he just said their because he liked how they talked, how they conducted themselves (not caring about anything), and he enjoyed being apart of something that was more of a cult than a real friend group, saying satanic stuff all through school and drawing pentagrams in the snow (this is mostly my opinion so I'm sorry cult groups if I have offended you because of this idoitotic group of wanna be stoners and fuckbois stoners grearser, they are some of the stupidest people I have meet). This group of idiots could honestly not care where they are just as long as they got someone's back to lean on. If they don't have a back to lean on they become just another somebody with way too much emotion. Like the day in summer me and Stephen got together (that is another story for a later time, you will enjoy it very much so I hope).

Now before a cult comes into my home to murder I'm going to go to the next chapter so we can redo this except with me amazing friends *rolls my eyes*.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2015 ⏰

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