•°• FOUR : decisions •°•

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"Just do what you feel is right Y/N." Lauren courageously said to me.

"Yeah you need some truth from Alex." Dinah added.

Just imaging what Alex is going to say in a response to my question or questions concerning our relationship.

I'm just nervous.

"You're thinking out loud too." Lauren informed me, laughing at the moment of me doing so.

" Well Miss. Y/L/N, we have to go sadly to drop Lauren off at Normani's place." Dinah explained, giving me a bone crushing hug.

"You're coming back Dinah no need for the long lasting hug." Lauren told, moving Dinah out of the way and hugged me.

The feeling of the warmth being wrapped around my body was enchanting, only for a moment feeling like I was being put under a spell that made me oblivious to my surroundings.

"Is everything alright, Y/N?" Lauren asked, looking sympathetic.

"Yeah, I'm good." I immediately snapped out of my thoughts and realized that I was released from Lauren's warm embrace.

"Well we should be going now." I watched as Lauren made her way to the door, hearing faint giggles that ringed through my ears peacefully.

"See you when I come back, don't forget what we talked about." Dinah then backed away a few steps before heading towards the opened door and followed after Lauren's footsteps to her car, leaving me to close the door.

————— —————

I asked Alex to come back over.

(8:57 pm)

There was a knock at the door.
Alex Russo..*jk*

"The door is unlocked." I said confidently, making my way to the door as Alex walked in.

"So why did you ask me to come over?" Alex asked and looked around before leaning against the wall near the coat hanger placed by the front door.

'Do what you feel is right.'
'You need some closure from Alex.'

"Have you ever cheated on me?" My confidence took a toll over me and I blurted out the most obvious question that would be asked during a situation similar to this.

"I can't justify that what I've done was completely right, but I have." He mumbled, playing with his slightly chipped finger nails.

"I've been there for you throughout all of your pain and struggles. Is there something that I've done wrong? Could I have taken power of preventing this from happening?"

Everything was silent.

"I am a really fucked up person but I know that we can get through this. Those girls were just drunken mistakes." He explained. Through his face expression, you could sense the amount of realization that hit him for a moment.

"Bullshit, I've spent nights aching for you embrace. Only to find out that you've been spending your own with other women who aren't me. It couldn't be a mistake if you've done it repeatedly." I yelled, only for my voice to crack in the middle of the sentence. Having to come to a confrontation with him would've been the least of my worries a few months ago, not knowing an idea to come about with continuing this denial conversation.

"I can explain, just give me a good amount of time and you'll understand."

"Understand what, how much of piece of scum you are. I can't leave this question unanswered, how long have you've been sleeping around for?" I asked, trying my best to figure out his face expression and what he is feeling or at least attempting to feel at this moment.

" umm.."

"You can not be the nervous one at this moment." I looked down at my feet, fearing as to why he was nervous to give me the answer to my question. It seemed as if I were anticipating this question for the longest, the both of us sitting in awkward silence.

"2 months." I forbid myself from shedding a tear that he didn't deserve to see. I sighed as if it were my last breath, having to be the bigger person in the situation. I had nothing else to say to him, all of the answers that I needed were answered and there was nothing more to that.

"I wish you the best." That was the last time we've spoken to each other. Afterwards, I deleted his phone number and blocked him very well to the point where he couldn't contact me.

—— ——

That night I felt like I've accomplished the impossible. Dinah and I spent the time being talking about new starting points in life and other uplifting things that made my mood better than it was before.

Srry if this chapter was bad. Cringe tbh

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