my baes.

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I awoke and saw five gods of beauty and personality, me of course. My five clones sat there stroking my face. "So soft." One of them cooed. Seth in the backgrouns looked like he was going to throw up. "Get out!" He yelled at us. One of them got me out and we walked to our car. "Party pooper" one of them grumbled. We all drove one miles per hour until we got to my home. We sat in the living room, staring at each other blushing. "How are we going to tell each other apart?" Asked a Cody. I rubbed my fake beard and grabbed a sharpie. I labeled each one, 1-5.
I pointed at myself. " I get no number since I'm the original." I announced. The other cody's nodded and agreed. We all ran out and packed into my one million dollar car and drove off to my fabulous mansion. ;) (yes he owns more than one house)

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