Chapter 6: Rise and Shine

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Sofia's Pov
I get up and shower Erick is still asleep. I change into another basic summer outfit. I hear a ding and it's a text from my mom
"Mija I have to stay in New York for a couple more days try to stay out of trouble"
"I miss you I promise no trouble"
"Hey how are things going on with Joel?"
"Um well we had lunch and I haven't seen him since"
"But have you texted him"
"yeah a couple times"
"That's good Mija try to not have too much fun gtg"

*i walk into the living room and Erick is now awake"
"Chica someone's looking pretty"
"Aww really?"
"Smile let me show Joel"
"Erick stop I don't even think he thinks I'm pretty"
"If you say so"

Text from Joel
"Hey Sofia"
"Hey Joel"
"Listen I have the day off and I was wondering if you would like to go sight seeing so I can show you around Miami"
"Of course I'd love too"
"Awesome I'll pick you up in 20 mins"

*i smile from ear to ear bright red*
"Que pasa chica?
Wait let me guess, Joel"
"Yeah Joel"
"And you said it was just one lunch"
"I'm not jumping into any relationships" I snap back
"Oh okay"
"I'm serious why don't you tag along?"
"Okay chica I'll be the third wheel"
"Haha sounds like fun"

*theres a knock at the door*
"Hey Joel"
"Hey Sofia it's so nice to see you"
"Ahh"e says as we hug
"Erick!" I blush
"Chica I'm just joking" e says
"Okay well let's go sight seeing" I say trying to not make this awkward then we walk out of the hotel and take an uber Erick sits in the front seat and Joel and I sit in the back
"So how are you enjoying Miami?" Joel says
"I really like Miami but I do miss Texas" I say
"Yeah I know how you feel I miss California too but hey I'm living my dream"
"Yeah that's true" I say
"This chica has a really good voice" Erick says
"Really Sofia?" Joel says his eyes are so big and brown I can't help but stare
"Um well I do sing sometimes"I shyly say

*we finally arrive at zoo*
"Okay so what do you want to see first?" Joel says
"Well giraffes are my favorite animals"I say
"Okay there's a giraffe feeding in 5 mins"Joel says
"Okay let's go" I turn around and Erick is taking to a group of girl and winks at me
"So how many siblings do you have?" Joel asks
"I'm an only child" I say
"Yeah my parents got a divorce when I was 5 and it's just been my mom and I since.... So how many siblings do you have?"
"Oh I have a couple I have a really big family" he says
"I've always wanted a big family, my mom only has one sister"
"Oh I'm sure you'll love my family and they love you too"
*I blush*
"Look giraffes" I say cheerfully
"Ahh" Joel says
"Here's a piece of lettuce you may feed the giraffes and I can take pictures if you'd like" a zoo keeper says
"Here's my phone if you don't mind taking pictures" I say
"No I don't mind at all" the zoo keeper says
"Giraffes are so cute" I say as one licks Joel's check
"I think she likes me" he laughs
"I mean she's practically drooling all over you" i say
*joel and I pose for pictures*
"Bye Giraffes" I says waving goodbye

*joel walk around and after a couple hours we get hungry*
"Let's get something to eat" Joel says
"Sounds great"
"Let's go to this little Mexican restaurant just down the block"

* we walk a couple minutes and get to the restaurant*
"Hola Joel come estas" a waitress says
"Hola Sonia" he gives her a hug and she kisses him on the check
"Who's this Joel your girlfriend?" S
"Haha this is Sofia" j
"Hola Sonia"Sofia
"She's really pretty" Sonia says
"Aww thanks" I say
* we sit down and order*
"Do you come here often?" I ask Joel
"Well at least once a week it's really good Mexican food and everyone here is really supportive of me"
"Everyone seems really nice here especially Sonia"
"Here's your comida" Sonia says
"Gracias Sonia" he says
"Que lindo"Sonia says as she grabs his checks he blushes
"Haha" I laugh
*we eat and Joel and I take a cab back to my hotel*
"So this is were your staying for the summer?" Joel looks at my room in aw
"Yeah, my moms worked really hard"

Sofia's Pov
Joel and I sit on the couch and watch a movie. We're sitting really close and he has his arm around me. Sofia he says as i turn around to face him. Then our eyes meet and we kiss. And then we kiss again. And then my mom walks in the door.
"Mija I'm home" she yells in her loud Latina voice
"Mom hey I thought you were in New York" i say as I get up and give her a big hug
"Hi Ms.Mendez I'm Joel, Joel Pimentel I'm sorry we had to meet this way" he says as he shakes her hand
"It's a pleasure to meet you Joel" she says
"Listen Mija I have to go back to the office so I'll see you in a couple hours" she says
"Bye mommy"

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