Chapter Seven

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A/N: I'm surprised to get reviews so soon after updating my Shikamaru story, I thought I'd take the liberty of uploading a few more chapters. Thanks so much for fanning/reviewing my story. The support you guys give for my story truly means a lot to me and motivates me to write more. ^.^

"You don't have to apologize, I totally understand Shikamaru. I'm glad everything worked out for you. I'm...happy for you."

A frustrated sigh escapes the lazy chunin's lips as Shikamaru thought back on Kaede's words. His tried to believe everything was alright like Kaede had said a few days ago... but it sure didn't feel like it. The Kaede he knew wasn't prone to acting so strange.

'Something's up...' he thought.

"Shikamaru," a voice called out.

He opened one eye before he sat up from his cloud-watching spot and looked over to who was calling his name. He waved his hand in a lazy manner.

"Hey Choji." he greeted back, scooting over to make room for his slightly chubby friend. Choji pulled out his bag of barbecue flavored chips before pulling them open and began to munch loudly.

"So, what brings you out here? I thought I'd find you hanging out with Temari today." he said with a mouthful of chips.

"Nah, she had to go back to Sunagakure to deliver some documents to the Kazekage that were for the upcoming chunnin exams. She told me she'd be back in a couple of days."

"I see, so what's on your mind?"


"I know you too well Shikamaru, I can tell you've got something on your mind." Choji chuckled.

"Well, Kaede-chan came over to my place yesterday." Shikamaru admitted with a tired sigh.

"So what happened when she came over?"

"She was acting strange, that's all. And I can't figure out what's her problem lately. Knowing me, I'm not gonna be able to let this go till I figure it out, as troublesome as that sounds."

Choji wiped his mouth using the back of his hand before setting his bag of chips on the ground. "Did you ever consider that this might have something to do with you and Temari?"

"Temari? What's she got to do with Kaede-chan?" Shikamaru raised a questionable eyebrow.

"Well, you've been spending a lot more time with Temari right? Maybe Kaede's just feeling a little left out, seeing that her best friend is dating now. Like he doesn't have time for her anymore and he's leaving her behind." Choji explained.

"But when I told Kaede-chan about getting a gift for Temari in the first place, she seemed all for the idea."

"Maybe, but she could've been lying."

"Gah, why do women always have to be so damn complicated?" Shikamaru rubbed his temples. All this talk about how women think and respond was starting to give him a headache.

Choji chuckled in response. "Don't take my word for it, why don't you ask Ino, she is the expert after all when it comes to stuff like this." he suggested.

"Hm, guess you're right. Have you seen her around today?"

"Yeah, she told me she was gonna be busy planning a party today."

"A party?"

"Yeah, didn't she tell you?"

'Shit, is it really today?' Shikamaru mentally cursed with a slightly panicked look.

"See-ya Choji, I've got something I need to take care of."

"Hey wait-" He watched his lazy friend walk off in a hurry before he could respond. He smiled a little, watching him disappear.


"It'll be alright, just hold still okay?" Kaede reassured in a low whisper.

Kaede was currently in the middle of healing a small injured dog at the Inuzuka Household along with Kiba's older sister, Hana assisting her.

"There, all finished."

Kaede smiled softly once she finished healing the injured dog's leg and gently wrapped it up in bandage wrap. The dog licked Kaede's hand affectionately, earning a small laugh from Kaede in return. Hana smiled at Kaede gratefully.

"Thanks Kaede, I doubt I'd be able to finish the job without your help, what with things being hectic both at home and my job." Hana sighed in relief.

"It's no trouble, I've had some free time on my hands so I don't really mind." she replied.

"Anyway, I think I'll be able to take the rest from here. Here's a little something for your troubles." She pulled out her wallet from her pocket and took out some cash before handing it to her.

Kaede blinked in surprise before she gently pushed the money away. "You don't have to do that Hana-senpai..."

Hana persistantly pushed the money into Kaede's hands. "Seriously, take it. Just think of it as... a birthday gift from me."

"B-Birthday, but how did you-"

"Shizune-san told me, so c'mon take it!"

Kaede sighed, but smiled before she took the money and shoved it in her pocket. "Alright then, I really appreciate it. Just give me a holler if you need an extra assistant to help you out. I'm your girl!"

Hana chuckled with a nod of her head. "I'll be sure to keep that in mind. Hope you have a good birthday!"

"Thanks, I'll seeya around!" Kaede waved as she headed out the sliding door.

'Hm, maybe I can stop over by Ichiraku Ramen for a bite to eat before I head back home.' she thought staring down at her watch.

"Finally found ya!" Kaede's thoughts were cut short when she was suddenly grabbed from behind and yanked away from her thoughts.


"Shhh, calm down it's me."

She turned her head to see Ino dragging her by her wrists. "I-Ino? Where are you taking me?"

"You wouldn't want me to spoil the surprise now would you?" she said with a grin.

Kaede sighed under her breath in defeat. She knew once Ino's made up her mind about something, there was no point in trying to talk her out of it.

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