Why do I even exist? :6:

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Chapter 6 

When I woke up again, I heard some arguing from the floor below. I got up and brushed out my hair as much as my fingers would allow, and went down to the living room to see what was going on. Alice was arguing with Edward. I rolled my eyes. Esme noticed me and smiled. "Good afternoon, dear." Alice and Edward stopped arguing. 

"I'm guessing Alice isn't happy about my idea?" I asked Edward. 

"Not particularly, no." 

"Well, just so you know, it's up to Jasper whether he wants to do it or not. I'm not going to force him and besides it's against witch law to do it against his will." I said shrugging. Then suddenly Alice was hugging me. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." And she repeated it until I said, 

"It's okay." She sighed in relief. 

"Thanks for forgiving me." She said smiling. 

"No problem; besides those cooks and maids needed a good yelling at anyways." I said, shrugging. 

"I'll say." She muttered. I chuckled. "Are you hungry?" 

"Not really." I said, shrugging. "But I'm serious though. It's up to Jasper whether or not he wants me to make the potion for him. But remember there's a slight chance that it may not work and I don't know if it will turn out bad or not, but it's risky." She sighed. 

"I know." 

"I only suggested it, so don't go thinking you have to absolutely do it, because you don't." I said to Jasper. He nods, looking thoughtful. 

"Let's say it works, but he doesn't like it, could you possibly reverse it?" Carlisle asked, thoughtfully. 

"It's possible yes, but like I said, when there's a potion involved there's a chance it could backfire or just not work at all." I said, shrugging. He nods. 

"Do you have the book with you?" 

"Yeah, it's upstairs in Edward's room. Would you like to know what's in it?" 

"Not really." Jasper said, cringing at the thought of what was in the potion. I chuckled. 

"It's not like we use lizard brains or anything like that." I said, rolling my eyes. "But if you don't want to know what's in it, that's fine with me." I said shrugging. 

"I would like to know what's in it." Carlisle said, thoughtfully. I nod and go back up the stairs and into Edward's room. I grabbed the book out from under the mattress and went back down to the living room. I opened it up to the marked page and read out loud to Carlisle what was in it. 

"Crushed up chicken bones, any kind of blood, garlic salt, and a pinch of chili powder to give it some kick." Everyone stared at me, mouths wide open. "What? I told you we don't use stuff like lizard brains, or eye of newt or any other crap the humans came up with." They came out of their stupor and I rolled my eyes. 

"Let me see that." Jasper said, curiously. 

"What? You don't believe that only a witch can read these books?" He shrugged. "Alright, here you go." I gave him the book and he looked at it. 

"What the hell?" Emmett muttered looking over Jasper's shoulder. I rolled my eyes. "Let me see that." He took the book and turned it this way and that trying to make sense of it. I couldn't help myself; it was funny. I chuckled. "How do you read this? The letters keep moving..." 

"Like I said, only a witch can read it." I said as he gave me the book back. I closed it and tucked it under my arm. 

"It's like a cookbook." Alice said, thoughtfully. I chuckled. 

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