Asking to Go. (Part 1)

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Prince's POV:

I Wrapped up some cake for the guys and Wash up then left. I Rode My Skateboard back to The Hotel.. thinking about Zandra the Whole way there and thinking about that Magical Kiss last night. I Got to The Hotel and The puppy that I Found last Night ran up to me Wagging his tail and sniffing my Shoe.

I Went into the room that Me and Roc were Sharing as the Puppy followed me. I Walked in to Roc and Ray playing the Xbox:

Ray: Oh Hey Prince..

Roc: Hey, Where you Been?

Ray: Yea.. We Had Chinse last night and ordered for you, but you werent back all night so Its in the Fridge.

Me: Thanks, and I Was With My New Friend.

Roc: Cool, When We get to Meet him?

Me: Uhmmm, Its a Girl.

Ray Paused the Game, and They Both turned to Look at me.

Ray: Ohhhhhh.. Whats her Name? (Smiles)

Prince: Zandra..

Ray: She Sounds Pretty..

Prince: Shes Not Pretty, Shes Beautiful..

Roc: Ohhh! You Crushin Bro?

Prince: More Like Falling, You Guys Have to Meet her! Shes Just Like me! Shes Amazing! (I slumped on my bed)

Roc: That's Great Bro, I'm Happy for you. Quick Question.. How you Gonna hang with Her? We Leave Tomorrow.

Prince: You Right. I Can Ask if she Could go!

Ray: Bro, I'm Pretty Sure She Goes to School.

Roc: Yea Man. But! Keisha Could Grab her a Tutor if her Mom Decides to let her Come with us.

Prince: I haven't met her Mom. But We're nothing but friends, so That Doesn't Matter.. Right?

Roc and Ray both Silently Shake their heads no. Giving me a guilty look.

Ray: Bruh! If you wanna get her...

Roc: You Have to get in Good with The Momma.

Ray: Or Her Favorite Guardian, Cause it's not always Mom.

Roc: She Could Have an Over protective Dad or Grandpa.

Ray: She Could have an Older Brother.

Roc: Yessss! It's Always Awkward with the older brother.

Ray looked at me and nodded his head yes.

Roc: You Gotta get your Head Strait bro.

Ray: Yea Man.

RayRay and Roc Just walked out the room, leaving me with My Thoughts. But Before Ray stepped out the door good.

Ray: Quick Question, She Have any Cute Friends?

Me: (Laughs) Get out man!

Ray: I'm Messin with you. But good luck. (Pats My Back)

I Sat there to think for a Bit.. I wonder. But I didn't want to text her.

Zandra's POV

I Woke up the next morning.. I was tired but the First Thing I did was check my phone. No New Text. It's cool. I didn't wanna panic but that Kiss last night Was Magical. But he's just my friend. Even though, he did kiss me first.  

Ughh! I can't Stop Smiling!

I Got up and Did My Normal Hygiene things and walked into my room after taking a Shower. It's Tuesday, so What Do I wanna Wear to School?  

I Felt Like Being Lazy so I Just Threw on Some Under Wear and some Underamour leggings. 

Then I Put on My Blue Juicy Couture Sweat pants that Said "Juicy" on the Butt, My All Black lowtop Converse Sneakers. 

Then I Put on My Black Nike shirt That said "Too Bad My Swag isn't Contagious" in Blue Letters.

I looked in My mirror and saw that My hair was wet. I'm Mixed, so I have good hair. I Dried it out with a Blow Drier and Braided up the back then put it in a high bun.  

I put on Blue and black eye liner with Red Lipstick.

I made Sure I looked good. Perfection. Then kissed Grandad and Mommy. Goodbye and Left for school.

*7Hours Go By.*

I'm Finally Getting home and When I walked in.. Prince and the Rest of Mindless Behavior Was Sitting on My Couch!! O.M.G!! 

I Almost fainted but everyone stares at me when I walked in. And When Jacob looked at me. His Face Was lit with a Glowing Smile.


Hey Girls! Like The Story? Let Me know. Don't forget to follow for updates, I need a Girl For Roc and Ray! Just Inbox Me and let me know why you wanna be in the book. (Already got a booh for prod) So yea! And Lemme know if you wanna check out your books and stuff. See ya! Bye! :)

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