Chapter Two: The Fated Day

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The next day, they picked up the book again and began to read.

"For that was the day of Feng's coronation. His father decided he would rule beside Feng as an advisor..

He told Feng to make his first decree. But Feng was unsure of what to do..

So the old king ordered him to banish his sister, Cadance.

He objected greatly to this until the advisor claimed it would be better for her and that she was a threat to the kingdom.

Feng still objected until his father threatened him with death.

And so he decreed it.

Cadance fell to her knees before her brother, tears streaming down her gaunt face.

She cried out "Father has forced you to this! Why do you forsake me?"

Feng raised his head and looked her in the eye saying "I'm sorry I must do this to you"

And with that, Cadance was taken from the kingdom into her exile."

"MORE!" the child squeaked

"You have swim lessons today. Maybe afterwards" the mother told him.

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