Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"In another moment down went Alice after it, never once considering how in the world she was to get out again."

― Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

I approached the doorway to the weary opera house. Still dwelling on what I had seen on my journey here.


I mauled the word over and over again in my mind. The second part of the word "umbra." ruffly translates to "shadow." from the portages language.

It was also a mathematical term for measuring light particals.

The word "al" had no meaning in the portages language I could think of that would make it necessary to be there. Still it helped narrow down the origin of whatever this was. I could start my search in south America, and work my way over to Europe if it didn't pan out.

The dark pan of night stretched over the streets of grave city.

I slowly cracked the door of the cathedral open. And for a moment I halted, enhancing my seances and trying to zero in on any abnormalities in the area. The sound of laughter, not dark but rich and sweet. The sugary starch smell of flowers. I smiled lightly and walked in.

My sister had taken the liberty of instaling a giant projector over the oprahouse stage, and both noemia and Sarah were sitting laughing and conversing while a copy of fried green tomatoes played out on the screen.

Both saw me walk in, Noemia had probably sensed my approach long before and had decided not to say anything.

"hey you." I said doing the best I could with my face covered to show I was happy to see her.

"hey" Sarah sat up. She had changed into a long blue terabyte and some grey "sleep shorts."

She walked over pulled me close and kissed me on the cheek.

"Welcome home." my sister said Warmly.

I nodded awkwardly. We had much to sort out and even more to worry about, but if it wasn't for her Sarah might not be alive right now.

She stepped forward and hugged me. "geez you smell like crap." witch made me chuckle.

"no-" I hesitated unsure weather or not Sarah knew her first name had completely slipped my mind.

"don't worry it's Noemia." she laughed. "me and your girlfriend are practically besties now." she winked at me and Sarah blushed.

At first I thought I would say something like "she's not my girlfriend."

But I didn't, I wanted to see what she would say. And she said nothing. She didn't object to the idea, so I stood wondering weather or not that was a good or bad sign.

"Noemia I'm sorry for entering here uninvited but we have much to discuss-"

"The hell we do Ollie, Iv barely seen you in two years! But no way in hell am I discussing that tonight. It's 3am. I'm going to bed. And you should shower before you knock us all out."

And just like that she skipped up the stairs and out of sight. She was so odd. I didn't understand why she decided to sleep. Our abilities allowed us to manage without the need for sleep. I hadn't slept in ages. But for some reason I felt compelled to sleep.

The last few days had been eventful, and I could feel the strain on my body and mind. And even behind my tough guy facade so could Sarah.

I felt her compassionate eyes on me.

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