Chapter 2

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~1 month later~
Squid's POV
I sat down in a seat and texted the others

Squid-How far are y'all?

Amy-Plane just landed.

Ash-Same as me and Mousie

Stampy-Me and Sqaishey are 3 minutes away.

Finn-I'm here


Squid-I'm at the airport. I'm at 167 for Finn, Rosie, Amy, Ash and Mousie.

Amy-K! Bye

I put my phone up when I felt a hand go on my shoulder. I jumped and turned.

"Amy!" I said. I got up and hugged her. It felt like moments before we broke apart.

"Hey! I think I see a cheese and a mouse." Amy said.

"They'd make a good couple. An ironic one, I might add." I said. We laughed.

"What are y'all laughing at?" Ash asked.


~time skip~

"You have house picking blood in ya, Stamps." Rosie said.

"Ya! Most definitely!" Sqaishey said. We laughed and walked into the house. I looked around and found a door that had a plaque that said "iBallisticSquid" with a squid next to it. I chuckled slightly and walked in. It was a blue room with squid stuff! It had a bathroom, a balcony, and a big bed. Stamps, you outdid yourself this time!

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