chapter one~ "well it all started..."

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"well it all started just after we moved in to the band flat right be for the x-factor tour..."

"Kaden were should I put this" Louis screamed being his rambunctious self that wed all come to love

"well considering its full of pots and pans id say its going to go in the kitchen I mean unless you'd rather cook in the bathroom" I told Lou dumbly he simply shot me a glare be for padding off bare foot to the central kitchen of our pent house London flat god my dads realy love me this place was amasing it was seven bed rooms with five baths because of the way it was designed in the shape of an octagon it didn't have many windows but because we were on the top floor we had a lot of sky lights we could all so go up to the roof if we wanted to and also owned the floor be low us one because six teens can get pretty loud and we didn't need the noise complaints and two because even though our flat was huge with six people in it we didn't exactly have room for guests and good god could you imagine if the whole 'one d' family came out wed be screwed so the extra space was nice

The construction and desining was newly finshed while we were off trying to win the x-factor we didn't have to Waite long after the show ended before it was done every one made short trips home only lasting for about a week to pack some stuff and catch up with there family's after all the x-factor tour would be starting soon and we were still unpacking witch was exactly what we were doing now and let me tell you it wasn't easy if these boys had it there way harry would have the coffee pot in his room Zayn would want the mirror from the entry and Niall would just take the whole damn fridge my hungry little snow flake and god only knows were Louis would want to put the pots and pans

"gosh darn it Zayn you just built the whole bed frame upside down" Liam yelled from Zayns room "you know maybe if you would stop trying to see your reflection in the metal and pay attention to what you were doing you might have noticed" oh Liam bless his soul hes the only thing keeping me Sain in all of this I mean I love the boys I really do but lets just say I wont be hiring them out to help people move any time soon id been face palming out of frustration all day it was a bad habit I know but for god sakes wed really only been at this a little more than two hours with six of us we should be done by now and this was just boxes and beds we hadn't even started with the big furniture yet I don't even want to think what the out come of that will be

Liam walked out of Zayns room shaking his head in frustration and disbelief he looked at me his face contorting to something resembling confusion and asked "whys there a big red spot on your for head" I didnt need to reply because he soon got his answer as Niall walked by trying to eat a sandwich and carry a box at the same time ultimately causing him to trip and spill the content of the box witch was thankfully just cloths and nothing fragile but caused me to face palm once again non the less a look of realization dawned on Liam's face be for he side and went to help Niall off the floor who was to busy morning the loss of his precious sand witch witch had been smushed under neath him to get up

oh god how much more of this could I take my head was all ready pounding and I had no idea wear the box with our medicines in it was knowing these boys if it had some how ended up in Switzerland and by now I wouldn't be surprised

"Liam do you have any idea were the pain relievers and the rest of our med's ended up my head is killing me" he furrowed his eyebrows thinking for a moment be for replying

"um I think I had harry take them to our bathroom earlier" I nodded and walked over to my room going through the door in to the relatively empty room witch only had a deconstructed bed frame and a few boxes in it the walls were painted light blue with some weird purple and black swirly designs over them at the back wall was my closet door and off to the one side was the door that led to the bathroom connecting me and Li's rooms witch was were I was going

walking in to the bathroom I looked around for the box not seeing it out in the open or in the medicine cabinet I decided I must be in the cupboard under the sink but upon opening the door I was met with a small avalanche of pots and pans why that little smart ass

"LOU" i screeched furiously grabbing a large pan tightly in my hand and storming out of the bathroom into Liam's room to go find Louis but not before taking some head ache med's from the box witch I discover to be on Liam's all ready assembled bed as soon as I steeped out I spotted Louis standing next to Haz "didn't I specifically tell you NOT to put the pots in the bath room" Louis spun around at the sound of my voice his eyes wide as he saw the pan in my hand and with a much less than manly squeal took off running through the flat "get back here you little shit" I cursed as we flew past Liam and Niall I chased Lou through the whole living room witch was inevitably a giant circle around the kitchen until we got back to harry who still stood frozen were wed left him in shock and confusion at witch point Louis girlie screams cut off while he used harry as a human shield oh what a good friend I thought sarcastically my attempts to get around harry to get at Lou were stopped by hysterical laughter I looked up to see the others practically in tears due to laughing from our antics with the exception of Zayn who I assume fell a sleep the second he got his bed properly assembled

after that unpacking actually went pretty smoothly with no help from Zayn obviously harry helped Lou get the pots out of Li and I's bathroom and properly on the pot rack in the kitchen and by the end of the night all six of us were all most entirely moved in but with the x-factor tour fast approaching we wouldn't be able to enjoy our new flat for long

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2013 ⏰

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