Jaimy The Killer

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Jaimy the Killer

September 7, 2013 by derpbutt | 29 Comments
The boy said,
�I woke up to whispers in my room. I was facing the wall so whoever it was couldn�t see me open my eyes. I heard a girl say �Jeff, are you sure you wanna kill this one?� A deeper, more insane sounding voice said �why wouldn�t we?� The girl said, �he looks like my brother� the guy said, �fine. Let�s leave� When I thought they were gone, I turned in my bed. The window was open, and a guy in a white hoodie with long black hair with blood all over him was climbing out of my window. A girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes was staring at me. She was very pretty except for an ear to ear smile on her face. She was terrifying, holding a bloody knife in her hand.� The boy paused and closed his eyes, then continued. �She stared and smiled even more, then said, �Smile. It�s Jaimy� and then she jumped out of my window. I jumped out of bed and ran into my parent�s room, only to find them dead, with a portrait of the girl drawn in my parents� blood. Around it she had written exactly what she had said to me, Smile, it�s Jaimy.� The boy started to cry, but continued, �Around it, in different handwriting, �go to sleep�.� I looked at my parents, who�s throats were cut and had smiles carved into their faces. I called the police, and they brought me here.� The boy was still talking to the wall of the foster home.
I stared at the boy through the window, I had spared him. He will tell my story. I am Jaimy the Killer. I walked through the yard, dead leaves crunched under my feet. Still walking, I stared into the sky at the stars. Then I tripped over a rock, last thing I saw was the base of a tree. Light�s out.
Jaimy woke in the morning in her soft bed. It was Saturday, two years ago, in the summer. She put on a plain white T-Shirt and some shorts.
Jaimy immediately started to paint a picture, a morbid picture of a man with a carved in smile, black hair, and black around his eyes. He holds a knife, and is cutting up a body, the entrails all over.
Jaimy is an artist. Her inspiration died soon, and she couldn�t wait for when she fell asleep. She would always wake up in the middle of the night, and see the man in her pictures standing over her bed. He would stare and she would stare back. He would tell her about his killings, and she would paint them. She admired him, and wanted to be just like him.
She finished the painting, and went outside for a stroll. She went into a back alley, when she came across the bullies. Mary, Annie, and Marcy.
They are the girly bullies, they were all bleach blonde, with matching pink sweat suits.
�Hey Freak, how�s it going.� Mary asked.
�Good until your ugly face showed up� I said.
�Im not ugly. You are especially those creepy paintings, and that guy in it is really ugly.� She said.
Rage built up in me. �He�. Is�.. not�. UGLY!� I screamed, and punched her nose job. Then they were on me. Well, im not actually going insane. Ive been insane for a while. They fought hard, but I fought harder.
�What do you think youre doing freak! Go back to your stupid retarded family!� She said. Even more rage built up in me. Don�t mess with my family, or I will mess up your face. I pulled my knife and stabbed her in the eye. She fell to the ground in pain, and the other two stared. I jumped on top of her and stabbed her in the stomach, then in the throat. I kept slashing her even though she is already dead. Then I jumped and killed the other two, who were still frozen in shock. I walked home, because it was already late. I hurried to bed and slept in my bloodstained clothes.
�Jaimy?� I heard him say.
I sat up, and he stared at my clothes.
�I killed the bullies. I did it.� I said.
�Jaimy, will you be my killing buddy?� He said.
Joy filled me up and I said, �Yes! But not like this�.. I need a smile�.�
He smiled more. �Then let�s give you one.�
It was brutally painful when he cut it in, but it somehow felt good. I climbed out the window with him. We walked along until we found the perfect house. There was a sleeping boy.
Smile. It�s Jaimy.

AN:if anyone has a picture of her gladly send it to my google account. Its alfredjennsonalfonso@gmail.com

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