Part 1 -

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Imagine you're at school and you have always had a crush on this one boy. His name is Luke Brooks.

Just everything about him gives you butterflies, his hair, his laugh, his smile. He's been your crush since year 7 and you have never plucked up the courage to tell him, you've always been scared he won't like you back and you don't want to be embarrassed.

But one day, out of the blue, you was stood by your locker grabbing your books for your next class and he walks over to you staring into your eyes and doesn't say a thing to you, he just stand there and gazes into your eyes.

"Erm... hello?" You said nervously, trying not to make it obvious that your heart is pounding.

"Hey, so I see you around a lot and I thought you were cute, well not I think you're hot as fuck!" Luke muttered as he still stares into your eyes.

He started to bite his lip and breathing heavily, you can tell he's turned on but all you're doing is standing by your locker.

The bell rang for next period.

"I have to go to class, I'll see you soon?" You whispered

"Hey, don't go, follow me" He asked turning around and walking towards the empty classroom at the other end of the hall.

We both entered the classroom and the next thing you know Luke kissed you, Luke fucking Brooks just kissed you!!!

To Be Continued....

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