Hell Above (Pierce The Veil Fan Fiction)

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I had been standing in front of the bathroom mirror for what seemed like hours,just fixing the small parts of hair,such as my bangs and the fly aways. Nothing was going to be good enough,I had to make a good impression on Chad's parents. My Dad spent at least fifty dollars on this dress,which is money that we didn't have,but he's a hard head. Times were hard,especially with having a Dad who plays gigs all the time just to pay rent. My Dad was my hero,and amazing on vocals. He taught me everything I knew,and to stand up for myself. My Mom left when I was only four,leaving my Dad a shit load of responsibilities that he shouldn't of had to do by himself. 

I sucked my stomach in,and pinched the fat. I wanted to be skinner,like my Mom. From what I had heard she was insanely skinny,but it was from all of the smoking and drinking. I had no idea where the  hell she was,and I didn't care anymore. She didn't care about me,so why should I spend my time worrying and caring about her?

I was never that kid who was in school plays,or played soccer. I was always cheering for my Dad at his gigs. His band is called "The promises" because of all the promises people made to him,they were broken in a heart beat,and promises are a big thing. If you break it,you're letting down the other person,making them loose trust in you. 

"Ronnie,your carriage leaves in five!" Dad yelled,with a chuckle. "Be there in a minute!" I moaned. My "carriage" was a motorcycle. It was embarrassing that I had to show up at Chad's house like this,especially since he had money. "Daddy!" I yelled out,hoping he hadn't gone outside yet. Within a few breathes,the door swung open. "Yes,my little elf?" He asked,planting a kiss on the top of my head. I was facing the mirror,holding my arms. "What's the problem?" He asked. "What if they don't like me?" I asked. "Then they are obviously missing out,and I am one text or phone call away." He replied,tucking my hair behind my ear. "I love you." I giggled. "Right back at you,kid." He smiled,leading me to my "Carriage".

We pulled up to the front of the house,and I quickly got up and fixed my hair and dress as much as possible. "Why are you holding your arms so much?" Dad asked. "They're just sore,from holding my curling iron up so much while doing my hair." I replied quickly. "If you need to talk,I'm here,you know that." He replied,putting his helmet on. I watched him drive off,and I starred up at the sky for a few moments. The sky was pitch black,without stars,but it was so beautiful.

I knocked on the door,but not too hard,they might think I'm too demanding. "Ah hello,you must be Ronnie!" A short little girl replied. Her hair was blond,just like Chad's. This must of been his little sister. "You're Annie,nice to meet you!" I smiled. She lead me in,and closed the door behind us. I looked around,and I felt my mouth drop. "It's so big." I sighed,fixing my hair. "Come on,I'll show you where everyone is!" Annie smiled,as she took my hand.

As Annie and I walked into the family room,everyone stopped talking. Their eyes were set on me,and I could feel the pain in my stomach getting worse. "Mom and Dad,this is Ronnie." Chad awkwardly smiled,leading me to them. "Ronnie,as in short for Ronald?" Another blonde headed girl laughed,which must of been Tiffany,his older sister. "No,Ronnie is on my birth certificate." I replied. "Im Rebecca,and this is my husband William." Chad's Mom seemed unimpressed with me. Was I already not making a good impression?

Dinner was set,and I wasn't sure which fork to use,there was two of them. "So Ronnie,what are your college plans?" Rebecca asked. "Well,I'm not going." I replied. Every ones fork dropped,including mine. "Oh really?" William moaned. "Well you see,my Dad's in this band and I'm going to be his sound person soon,I'm really into being a DJ." I quickly replied. "That sounds fun,I wanna come with you!" Annie sighed. "Annie!" Rebecca snapped. Annie quickly looked down at her lap,and continued to eat. 

Dinner was over,and Chad's parents decided to put a movie on. "Ronnie can I take your coat?" William asked. "Of course!" I smiled,taking my coat off. He smiled,and happily took my coat to the closet. "What's on your arms?" Tiffany gasped. "Oh,um." I looked down at the ground. How was I going to explain myself? "Chad,in the kitchen now!" Rebecca yelled. It was all over,I just knew it.

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