Levy's short but dangerous visit

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Natsu POV

I was running......i was almost there. Lucy's house...

My mind was full of lucy. And then i started thinking of dirty stuff...
Snap out of it natsu!!!!!

I was there, infront of lucy's house (or apartment. Not sure)
Vanilla and strawberries started filling my nostrills. Well not seriously, i meant the sent.
I started climbing up the window where i usually sneak in.

I let out a small chuckled which i dont know why when i arrived. Im pretty sure that lucy heard me because she stopped reading and looked at the window which where i was.

"NATSU!!!" she cheered happily. I jump off the window. Lucy greeted me with a bear hug. I took a huge sniff of lucy's scent. Mmmmmmm

"I was starting to get lonely. Thanks for coming" she suddenly paused and looked around. " Wheres happy?" She asked. My sweat dropped. I cant tell that l left happy at the guild because i breaked out of my cage just to find her. "Uummmm....happy..went on a...m-mission..yeah a mission with.......ah wendy...w-wendy and-and carla. Yup they went on a mission" i stuttered. "Oh. Okay..... why didnt you tag along?" She asked. "Because i wanted to play with you" okay.....that sounded weird. "And i didnt want you to be lonely lushee~~" i said suddenly. Damnit mouth!!!.

Lucy looked at me with a confused look " ok...." she said. "So wathca wanna play?" She asked. I stayed silent. Come on natsu!! Why wont your mouth work when you want to???
I let a small growl. "I'll take that you dont wanna play anything. You can raid the fridge if you want to" she started paying attention to her novel. I was jealous that the novel lucy was holding was touching her hand. I wanna hold her hand too....

I started getting jealous at more things that were not alive. I was jealous of the chair. I wish that lucy would sit on my lap.

Yeah.....my mind was a little screwed up right now...

" LUSHEE~~!! said that you were bored" i said because i wanted lucy to pay attention at me. Not that stupid novel. "Well, i needed company" she said not looking at me. I let out a little growl. Why does that stupid book gets more attention. Hmpph.....

I got up and took the book out of Lucy's hand. "Hey natsu!!!! Give it back!!" She said. I didn't want to look at her puppy eyes. She was too cute, I felt like I wanted to hug her but I can't be defeated easily. I teased her by holding the book up high." I need to finish it. Levy will be coming to take the book back". What?!!! That means....levy's gonna tell the whole guild to catch me. I let go of the book. I have to think of a plan." Sheesh, natsu. Don't throw it. Good thing it isn't damaged" she said

Ding dong....oh my god!!!! Crap crap crap!!!

What am I gonna do!!!! Lucy opened the door and there appeared levy. She clearly saw me. "Levy-chan, come in" Lucy said cheerfully. "Sure" levy said nervously while looking at me.

"I'm gonna get the book. Just a moment" said Lucy. Levy gave her a nervous nod. As Lucy left to get that damn book, I glared at levy. Levy gave out a small eek. "If you ever tell anybody that I'm here, I'm gonna make sure that your life is gonna be short" I said with a harsh tone. "Got that!!" I growl. I'm sooo sorry levy. Its that I wanna stay with Lucy longer. Levy noded nervously with a scared expression.
"U-um.... Natsu...I noticed you didn't read the book master gave....p-please read it for Lucy's safety. I promise if you read it, I won't tell anyone that you are here....p-please read it...for Lucy..." She said begging. Well....if its for Lucy. I'll read it. I let out a small nod. She sighs in relief. "If you read it.....you'll know what's happening.....I'm sure if you understand , lu-chan will be safe...I trust you, natsu" she said looking at the floor. "Fine" I let out a growl.

"Found it!!!!" Shouted Lucy. I automatically went to my sunny mode. I didn't want Lucy to know I was mean to levy.....or not... She's gonna be mad at me. I let out my signature grin. "What were you guys doing?" Lucy asked. Levy was gonna answer but I quickly said " We were just having a friendly conversation, y'know....the usual". Levy glared at me.

Sorry levy....

"Here levy-chan" lucy passed the book her. "Thanks lu-chan....did you finish reading it. It was a pretty good story" said levy. "I didn't finish it yet" Lucy said while glaring at me. "Did you brought the book I wanted. I already have the book you wanted, levy-chan" said Lucy looking at levy eagerly. How come a stupid book can make her so happy but Lucy always get mad me.


"Yup.... And lu-chan, I brought another book just in case when you finish that one" said levy. "What is it about, levy-chan" asked Lucy. "Dragons" said levy smirking at me.

Y'know what?? Forget that stupid sorry!!! She just wanted to take revenge on me. I glared at her and levy snickered a little bit.

Ugghhhhh....that jerk.

"Oh my, thanks levy-chan" she said. "Oh, I need to go, see ya" she said while secretly snickered at me."bye~~~" said Lucy while closing the door.

It looks like I need to read the book.......

Ughhhhh....reading....why!!! Why!!!!! Why!!!!


Hey guys~~~

Sorry I didnt really make any progress on the story.....no ideas

Anyway thanks for reading

School starts in like 4 days, so I won't able to update a lot.

I thought this chapter was kinda long. Or not......depends on you guys

This chapter took the longest to make.( around 3 days)

Usually it takes like 1 day.

Thanks a lot for reading. Let's wait for the next chapter kay~~?


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