confused af

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So...I know I haven't updated this book or really any book for a while...and I'm sorry. I totally forget what this book is about but I'll read it and hopefully I get it again. But I haven't had my phone for 8 whole butt fucking months and I'm really sorry. I love yall so much and thanks for 1.02k reads its greatly appreciated. Like u have no idea. Um and I'm being bullied by jadearianabarn bcuz she says I'm hating on ari and I'm tricking her fans when really guys I'm not trying to and I'm sorry. My names megan as u can tell haha but OhSnapItzzzAri is just a fan page and idky she's saying I'm a fake ass bitch, a skank and lots of other shit. Like I'm used to it cuz ppl say it to me on a daily basis but yea....
If u wanna talk to me u can I'll answer I'm sorry if its not right away I'm trying to deal with Jade and its hard you know? Anyway DM me on her instagram any social media I have it all except tumblr and vine


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