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"You will see your daughter again if the results are negative" the words of the the guard by the gate comes back to you. You will never see your dad again. Luke says you should be happy to be going to Earth; Luke says you should forget everything in Mars, that it would make it easier; Luke says you are one of the lucky ones who get to stay alive after they blow up Mars. Your body stays limp, defeated. Until you heard those words. Mars will be blown up. You struggle and kick whilst the taste of smoky rancid fumes coats your tongue and the sound of the engine races into your ears. All those people will die. All your friends, family and the little children. Your whole world will be destroyed and you will never get to see it again.

Luke drags you up the slope into the rocket. As the door closes behind you and you start to feel movement underneath you, you suddenly can't feel anymore. Tears stream down your cheeks but you can't feel them. People are talking to you but you can't hear them. Food is placed in front of you but you can't taste it.

Staring, you sit by the window and look back. Boom crackle, crackle. Mars goes up in flames in a fireball of red and black. From the window it just looks like a firwork. Unblinking you pick up the drink beside you. It was to help you forget. To take the memories away.

You woke up finding yourself on a rocket? Why? How? You feel your cheeks and they are wet with tears. The reflection from the window tells you that the redness of your eyes means you have been crying. A man, who on the name tag says his name is Luke, came over to you.

"You are special, intelligent, it isn't safe for you where you came from, the earth is the best and safest place in the galaxy where you will thrive and be fulfilled to your best potential" he said. I don't know where I came from but this world called Earth seems good. "Do you remember anything?"

"No, not really." You say looking through the window. You look behind the rocket, not a glimpse of the place where you came from. "The stars are beautiful tonight, aren't they?"

"Yes, yes they are."

The stars are beautiful tonight, aren't they?Where stories live. Discover now