Chapter Four

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Dominic pulled me into a coffee shop near Barnes and Noble. He told me to try the coffee there, since I let it slip that I don't drink coffee. I tried to refuse. Key word: Tried. He basically dragged me there after saying that 'hanging out' was what friends do.

" Come on, try the coffee here. It's legendary, and I guarantee that you will come back." He held me by the arm and opened the door. 

The tiny corner shop was nothing short of amazing. It had chairs hanging on a rope attached to the ceiling, wooden floors and tables, and a fireplace on the side. I immediately felt at home.

" It's rude to stare."

Dominic's voice snapped me out of my thoughts yet again as he led me to a corner seat near the window. A middle aged waitress came by with two menus and a notepad.

" What can I do for you two lovebirds?" I turned red, hiding my face from Dominic in embarrassment. 

" I'm sorry, but we are not a couple. You must've been mistaken." He was not angry; a hint of amusement was clearly on his face.

"Well, too bad, you two would make a great couple. Now, any orders?" My mind became blank on what to order.

" We'll have two caramel lattes please. Extra whip cream on mine." He answered for me. He seemed to have read my mind. The waitress left, leaving me and Dominic alone.

"Hey Dominic, how did you know this place?" Since he clearly did not live hear, and from what I see, this place wasn't very popular, I was curious. 

" I used to study here. Walking around town was a pastime for me, so I stumbled across this shop. Good thing too, otherwise I have nowhere to take you as a friend. By the way, you can call me Dom. Everyone does."

"Sure. It's a nice place."

" Yeah, you could say that." It turned awkward between us. Luckily, our coffees arrived. We both took a sip.

" Now that's what I call a piece of heaven! What do you think?"

" It's....better than I expected. Although, it's too bitter. I need something sweet." He nodded.

I rummaged through my backpack to find something sweet to snack on. My hand grasps something square-like. Chocolate! Finally! I pulled it out and offered some to Dom.

" No, that's alright. I'm not fond of chocolate."

"You disgust me. What kind of human being are you?" He chuckled.

" One of a kind, dear Aura." He smirked.


We finished our coffees and went out of the shop to get some fresh air. As much as I am fond of the tiny little cafe, I have to admit, it was stuffy in there. I took a deep breath of the cool air and turned myself to face Dom. that was when I noticed his features.

He had dark brown hair, with matching light brown eyes. His skin was tanned, but not too dark. He seemed like the common nobody that you pass every time you do out. He didn't stand out in the crowd. I wish I was like that. Invisible, no one noticing you. Unfortunately, I wasn't born with that kind of common face. Well, most of my face was normal, except my eyes. I had a genetic mutation called central heterochromia. It made me stand out and attract attention, which I hated. So, the simplest solution to this problem was to wear brown colored contacts. It fully covered my abnormal eyes , and I loved it. I was left hidden in the crowd, always unnoticed.

" So, since we are now friends, should we play twenty questions? To get to know each other more?" This question was out of the blue, and it left we wondering.

"I guess so. I'll start then. Favorite color?"

" Black. It reeks of death, but I love it. How 'bout you?"

" Orange. Sunset orange, same color as Peeta's favorite, before he was hijacked. Ever since I read it, i googled it and it became my favorite color. Now, my turn. Worst pet peeve?"

This went on and on until I knew a couple of things about him, and he knew some about me. Unfortunately, I had to leave on the next possible flight back to Orlando. Another crime scene had appeared, and this time with murder. The crew needed me, seeing that I was one of the best in the team. Not that I mind leaving. I had missed work, no matter how much fun I had here. The only thing I was disappointed about was the fact that I had to say goodbye to Dom. He frowned when I told him, but brightened up a moment later and gave me his phone number so that we could stay in contact with each other.

I went back to the hotel and packed as fast as I could so that I wouldn't miss my flight. After getting on board, I started to fall asleep. It was becoming a habit for me to sleep whenever I had to get on a plane. This time though, I slept without a certain somebody with bony shoulders by my side.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey wattpadders! Another update! YAY! By the way, the picture on top is Aura's eyes. Central Heterochromia does exist. This causes the person's eyes to have more than one color in their iris.  It does not cause any harm to the person's eyesight, and it is pretty rare. Take Benedict Cumberbatch's eyes for example. Thanks for reading, and please share this story with someone else! ( By the way, THANKS FOR THE 69 READS! I never thought that I;d have people actually reading and enjoying this. Thanks again:) )

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