Untitled Part 1

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                                                                                The Temple

Allard stood in the forest near the Truson Mountains scavenging for any items that might be tradeable. He lived in a village called Tapenroë that was located in the northern parts of Sol. Tapenroë, was sheltered by the Truson Mountains, and most of the time it protected the village folk from the Ardelicks. The Ardelicks were short, mutated men with scaly feet and dagger like claws that pillaged cities and villages. Ardelicks are driven by the lust of man blood and flesh. Even though the Truson Mountains might protect them from the Ardelicks, it still brought tough, cold winters. Allard was in the eastern part of the Truson Mountains and Tapenroë was on the exact opposite side of the mountain, about a three day walk. Allard occasionally picked up a stone here and there but could not find any sort of tradable item. He knew that the farther he ventured into the Fansome Forest the more dangerous the forest became.

The only reason he would dare to go farther was because his family back in Tapenroë needed the money desperately. His father Arthur had always been teaching Allard how to fight with a sword in case he ever crossed paths with an Ardelick. His father was a great man, at least that is what he thought of his father. His mother Mabel always tried to make him more optimistic, since they were poor. "Hmm", Allard said. "This might come to use at the Melkoë Market."In his hand he held a gem the size of his palm. It was lime-green and was scratched all over. It's okay, Allard thought. It can be polished at Crimson's Cavern, then it will look as if a king of the gods had made it. But the fortune! Oh, the fortune I could make, it would send me and my family directly to Calico, or even better Möwgar!

Allard looked around paranoid as if someone were to steal his gem. But he knew better, no one ever came into the Fansome Forest, too many people were afraid of the dangers that was held in it. For one thing he was sure of there were probably Mulkendors crawling all over the Fansome Forest. He heard that Mulkendors were myths until three years ago when a man came out of the Fansome Forest crazed with madness yelling that he had seen large beast the size of elephants wandering the forest. The elderly man described that it had a crooked face with a jagged nose and daggers the size as a horse. And it only wanted one thing. "It came after me.....FOR MY FLESH!" the old man exclaimed.

"You're crazed old man, folk's do not believe this loon! He's crazed I tell you crazed!" a butcher protested. The crowd began to argue whether or not the old man was telling the truth or was simply just went mad by being in the Fansome Forest. Even to this day no one was sure, but they were always cautious and alert when they were even near the forest especially Allard. Allard put the gem into his satchel and continued deeper into the forest. When it was clear to him that he should head back to Tapënro, he saw that the trees around him were chipped. As Allard approached the tree he saw something he wished he'd never seen. Steel arrows were sunk into the trees and a dead raven lay on the ground. Allard inspected the bird and then the arrow. The bird was still warm! Ardelicks! Allard yelled in his head. And they're near too!

Allard began to run towards a cave to take shelter in case any Ardelicks were to be by. As he walked towards the cave he realized what a perfect hiding place it would make. The sides were vine infested and the moss was thick. Allard himself had to pull his body through the vines just to make it to the other side. As he stepped into the darkness he heard a drip, and then a chunk of rock fell nearly on top of him. He took out his pathetic dagger and stepped into the blackness. There's no way I am going to be able to protect myself with this utensil! He felt blindly around the cave until he found the end but as he put his hand on the end the rock broke out from his hand and coated him with light.

"Light?" Allard exclaimed. He was on the outer ring of a much larger cave except the top was removed so the light shown down from the very sky above him. But to his awe he saw a temple in the middle of the cave. the temple was two-thirds of the way sunken into the ground and only the top exposed from the thick cobblestone and mud surrounding it. The temple was mossed over and it was made of stone. The tops were covered in vines that hung down to the floor. Even in its condition the temple made Allard stop and stare in wonder capturing his attention and grasping his mind. Allard walked towards the temple cautiously as if an Ardelick were to jump out and ambush him.

When he decided it was safe he climbed to the top of the temple and to his luck the top was broken open exposing a room. Allard jumped down and inspected the room. Yep, still no Ardelicks. He scanned the room once more but this time he saw a handle wedged into a block of steel and stone. As he approached it he saw a crest on the top of the handle. It looked like this ᐂ. When he touched the handle it began to glow and then shined brighter than any light he had ever seen. Quickly, Allard turned away unable to remove his hand. When he looked back as the light began to fade he saw his hand began to glow. Then, a terrible pain as if getting your hand set ablaze filled within his hand. His hand burned and stung and as the light got brighter the pain began to increase as well.

After what seemed about hours the pain simmered down and when Allard looked at his hand he saw the same symbol imprinted into the palm of his hand. When he touched the handle again he quickly pulled it back expected for another traumatising experience, but to his surprise none came. He grabbed the handle again and pulled the handle. And out came a glorious blue sword. The blade looked sharp enough to slice a rock. And the guard was straight with spiraled tips. He looked at the color more intensely and saw that this sword was more than just blue, it was Indigo.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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