Chapter 4

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The room I had been brought into smelled, it smelled like sweat, blood, and rotten something. It was very humid and I was barely able to see. The dementors then let go of my arms and left me standing there. I was confused and didn't know what to do, so I just stood there. I was there for about two , minutes I started to hear distant voices, I tried looking around to try and see where they were coming from. Nothing, I couldn't see anyone or anything. It seemed like the smell was getting stronger, I started to cough and put my shirt over my nose to get rid of the smell. I stared to walk around, and then ran into a wall. It hurt. Then out off no where something or someone grabbed a hold of my leg. I tried shaking it off, then I reached down and tried to pry it off. Then I realized, it was a hand. I tried to squint to get a better view, and I seen an outline of a man. I started to move my hand around so that the fog would move. I was capable of seeing the man, he was tied up, beaten, bleeding, had fresh cuts, scars, and bruises. He had no shirt on and his shorts were torn and stained. He was very bony, his hair was long, he had a beard, and his eyes were very swollen. He looked like he was around thirty five years old. He yelled to me in a very raspy voice, "Run! Get away! Free yourself while you still can!" I then realized that he was chained up. My heart beat increased, my hands started to sweat, I was starting to panic. I just started thinking, oh my word, what do I do? I wanted to start running, but I couldn't see. Then out of no where two pairs of hands grabbed my arms, and started to drag me into another room. The room we entered had a long table. There were chairs all along the table, and one big chair at the end of it. It wasn't facing the front, it was turned around, facing the wall. The two people whom had grabbed me, weren't dementors, it was two people cloaked in black, with their hoodies covering their face. They then sat me at the table, and went to the big chair that was facing the wall. They whispered, "he's in the room now". I was just sitting there confused, anxious, and a little scared. The chair then spun around and the figure was also cloaked in black with a hoodie covering his face. He started to laugh, real evily and started to take off his hood. I couldn't believe who I saw... It was he-who-must-not-be-named!

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