Chapter Four

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The picture above is my Best Friend, today is her Birthday so I am dedicating this chapter to her!! emilyschmoll26
Happy Birthday!!

Brielle's POV

Why? Why did I say yes to being friends with Colton?

You wanna know why, because I am stupid. Right now in the middle of balling my eyes out while Maggie (I have decided to change Brielle's best friends name to Maggie instead of Beth) is right by my side, she has been the whole time, can you guess why I'm crying...


I have always promised myself to never cry for a boy, there I just something about Colton that lures me to him but yet at the same time I hate him. I haven't yet told Maggie why I am crying over Colton, she understands that I need a little time to calm down.

"Hey, Brie? you ready to talk now?" she asked me in a soothing voice

I sighed and wiped a tear from my cheek, "Okay... I'll tell you" I said as I took a deep breath. "The feeling that I had gotten when Colton told me that he wanted to be friends again I-I couldn't explain it, I was just so happy that I forgot to think, I told myself not to ever let him in again because I knew somehow that I would get hurt again by our friendship... but I told him yes and everything was fine. That night when he left he had gotten a call, h-he suddenly left, he wouldn't talk to me or look me in the eyes. He just left. I didn't think anything else about it, you know? I could talk to him about it at school the next day right? He wasn't there, the next day he wasn't there. I was going to find a way to contact him... b-but t-today he was here." I looked over at Maggie expecting her to be asleep from my boring story, she wasn't. She was waiting for me to continue.

"Anyway today I saw him at his locker with that smut Gwyn hanging around on him, t-that's not the part that bothered me, so I walked up to him thinking you know 'hey were friends now, we can talk at school!' all I did was tell him 'Hi Colton' and he just snapped, 'Why are you talking to me? Is there a reason why you think you can talk to me?' I tried to hold in my tears as they swelled in my eyes and with all the courage I and  swallowed and spoke, w-w-well I-I just thought b-because we-were friend n-no-' he cut me off letting out a sarcastic laugh that then turned to screaming, 'Friends? Are you kidding me? Why would I ever be friends with you? You are just a stupid, worthless piece of trash that is responsible for her own brothers death!' that response gained a lot of 'oohhhs' from the crowd we had draw."

Maggie gasped, "I'm going to kill him Brielle, how could he say that to you? What did you do?"

"I knew that I had to hold back my tears after he had said that. I thought what would Blake want me to do and that's when I punched him."

Maggie looked at me in awe, "Y-You did what?!?"

"I punched him. I wasn't gonna let him get away with that."

"Well I wouldn't have either... But I mean come on, you should have at least called me first!! Together we could take him down!" She responded with so much excitement

This caused us both to bust out laughing for like five minutes straight, until Maggie calmed down to talk.

"Woah, okay I'm good I think. Anyways I'm really sorry about Colton, I wish I could have been there this week or at least talked to you."

"Hey no, it's okay I understand that you were with your family, anyways now that your here what should we do?" I asked, we both looked at each other curiously then at the same time screamed,


We ordered some Chinese food and waited for it to come while we talked about random things that all best friends talk about, "...but why a headless chickens?" We were then interrupted by the doorbell.

When we got to the door the delivery man asked me if I was okay,"Mam, it's probably none of my business but are you okay? You seem to have been crying." This question only earned us more laughs as he walked away he looked at us weirdly.

"Okay time for Pretty Little Liars!"

"Previously on Pretty Little Liars..."

We started a PLL Marathon which would take us all weekend but we didn't care we just liked being in each other's company. Best Friends always and Best Friends Forever.

We will always be there for each other when needed, and today I really needed my best friend and she was here."


So there wasn't a lot of actual Colton and Brielle moments in this chapter but I really wanted to make this chapter about the connection between Best Friends



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