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"Nakano-san...is he bullying you?"

Haruki snapped his head up. He was not expecting that.

"If he is, you need to tell somebody!" The boy cried out urgently. "That's not right, something needs to be done. I've always wondered why you look so scared and wary around him, as if he's going to do something to you!" Haruki felt a hand on his shoulder. "Nakano, we should tell an adult." Haruki's gaze went from the hand on his shoulder to the face lined with worry.

"Hono, no. P-please don't...I don't- I don't want anything to happen to you..." He looked down at his feet, wringing his hands in his shirt nervously. "You shouldn't get involved, I can handle this myself." That was a lie. He looked to Hono with a sincere expression hoping for the persistent boy to understand. "Kai is already skeptical about you being around me so much..."

Hono was a taken back. "Nakano-san, are you and Kai?" He asked in disbelief.

"What? No! No, we aren't, please don't think of such an unsettling thing." Hono let out a tiny sigh in...relief? "I appreciate your concern, I really do. But I don't think a person like you can make much of an effect against Kai. I'd have better hopes consulting his brother, no offense." Was it so obvious that Kai was a problem to him? Well probably, considering all the times he dragged him away in the school or grabbed his arm (forcefully sometimes).

Haruki hated making people worry about him. It made him feel like he was a burden. "It's fine. It's all fine." He looked up into the boy's eye, seeing full blown concern for him still lingering. "I should be getting back, I have a lot of work to finish up. If you need any help, give me a call." He turned and walked away, leaving Hono alone in the middle of the roof. "Hono-san," he stopped, holding the door open. "Thank you again, for caring." Giving a gracious smile to the boy, Haruki turned and strides through the door.

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