Chapter 6

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Bentley Productions and ITV own all recognisable Ultimate Force characters. All original plotlines and characters are my own. 

As the Bell set down at Newry, Paddy, Liam and Tomas ducked out under the still spinning rotor blades and ran bent over to the waiting D-reg Rover 3500 and piled in. Despite being 35 years old it was built like a tank and - Paddy knew - was kept it perfect working order by Sean as the first car he had ever bought brand new. That also meant that despite being a fuel-guzzler it was one of the most powerful non-descript cars Paddy had ever seen. 'Alright lads?' Rohan Killearny glanced at them from the driving seat as Tomas slammed down the tailgate of the car and ducked in the rear passenger side. Tomas grunted 'Sure we will be when you get this thing going..' earning him a sharp glare from Rohan. Paddy's eyes rolled 'Now boys.. behave yourselves.. Rohan we need to see Sean as soon as feckin' possible.. this has gone down the shitter faster than a salmonella curry!' Rohan nodded and, putting the car into gear drove off the remote field outside Newry where the helicopter had landed and turned right onto the A27, passing Cloghanramer before joining the main A1 on their way to Lisburn. Once on one of the main arteries through the Six Counties Rohan put his foot down, partially because he knew that with who he had onboard, the faster they were tucked up out of sight the better, and partially, frankly, because he could. At Paddy's sharp instruction he begrudgingly kept below the 70mph that would trip any speed cameras, Paddy seeing no reason they should go looking for more trouble than they were already in. 

On the way the three passengers fell silent, left to their own thoughts, Paddy as usual blocking all thoughts of the immediate issue and concentrating on relaxation, looking out of the window as they sped through and past first Banbridge and then Dromore. Shortly after passing through Hillsborough they approached the outskirts of Lisburn, Rohan becoming more alert as they approached their destination, before taking a final turn off the main road he parked the car. Paddy eyed him suspiciously 'This isn't Sean's place! What fe..' Rohan interrupted 'Sure you think he'd be dumb enough to meet you at his home after all the shite you've stirred up? He's in there waiting!' Paddy glanced back knowing the boiling indignation that would be stirring and growled 'Feck it.. come on you two.. we'd better go see the man and sort this shite out..' With that Paddy got out of the car and, without pausing to wait for Tomas and Liam walked briskly up to the front door and was about to knock when it opened, ushering them all inside, an enquiring head throwing a glance at Rohan, who shook his 'No there had been no tails..' The head nodded and ducked back inside as Rohan locked the car and followed them in. 

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As she drew up outside her flat Banks groaned; it had already been a long hard day, and now thanks to opening her mouth far too wide she was committed to a long, tiring, and ultimately annoying journey through the night to Credenhill five miles outside Hereford. As she walked into her flat and grabbed her - always ready - overnight bag she chuckled at the oft quoted misapprehension that the SAS were based in Hereford. True they were based in the county of Herefordshire, but the actual HQ of 22 Special Air Service Regiment was actually on the outskirts of the lesser known nearby town of Credenhill. Walking back to her car, an 8 year old Audi TT, she allowed herself a brief smile recognising it had been her one indulgence to herself in recent years, being something of a closet petrol head. Unlocking the tailgate she stowed her bag and slipped into the driver's seat and fired it up, soon moving in the late evening traffic on the A4 Cromwell Road heading toward the M4 and West toward Hereford and Hen.. She stopped herself and scowled; where the hell had that come from? True Henno intrigued her but as far as she knew he was happily married - she shrugged in annoyance making a mental note to ask Caroline Walsh, at the thought of whom she tapped her Bluetooth headset and spoke clearly 'Call Caroline Walshe'. It dutifully repeated 'Calling Carl Home'. 'Bollocks! Bloody thing!' She swore and stopped it dialling and tried again 'Call Caroline Walshe'. 'Calling Caroline Walshe' 'Bloody technology' she muttered under her breath waiting for the call to connect. 

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