Chapter Three - Getting ready

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*Arianna's POV*

A week later

I was packing my suitcase while my Phone was on shuffle. When 'Up All Night' came on, I really couldn't stay still. The next minute I was singing loudly and dancing like crazy on the One Direction song. "I WANNA STAY UP ALL NIGHT AND JU--" before I even could sing the rest of that line my mum pauzed the song. "HEY! Why did you do that?" is asked shocked. My mum calmly replied " Well, first you were singing so loud that it was driving me crazy and second shouldn't you be packing in stead of dancing and singing to that stupid american boyband?". I stood there frozen, I was saying to myself that I should remain calm and not curse in front of her. So I reacted like a normal directioner would: " MUM! First it's an British-Irish boyband! Second I was packing but 'Up All Night' came on and you know I can't ignore that song so I decided that is was my break while that song was on, okay?". "Yeah sure but you're leaving tomorrow morning so everything must be packed tonight, you better should text Melissa too." she replied. "Okay I'm texting here now." I said while texting the new message.

From: me: Hey how's the packing going?

To: Melissa! :)

Not a minute later I recieved a text.

From: Melissa! :) : I'm ready hbu?

To: me

And I texted back off course, she gets angry if I don't answer her text immediatly so yeah..

From: me : Almost done, Don't forget tomorrow at 4 am I am outside you house. Cya!

To: Melissa! :)

I turned my Phone off and went downstairs. My mum wasn't home 'cause I heard nothing downstairs so I jumped on the couch and when I mean jump I really meant it. With a loud noise I fell on the couch, I was really lazy. I turned my computer on and went on Twitter, 'just checking what my husbands are doing' I thought. I almost flipped when I readed Niall's latest tweet, it said:

@NiallOfficial: I'm free this week, finally! Can't wait to see my friends and family back in the old hometown #Ireland

This day was officially better and I couldn't wait 'till the next day. Ireland here we come!

What do you think??


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