Chapter 17

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To continue, Y/n wasn't expecting...

Y/n sat on the bench, hand-in-hand with Sean. The bright moon reflecting over the water fountain as the trees blew quietly. The presence of one another kept them warm. The stars twinkling in the night sky.

They kept quite. But, a quite showing that they were in love. Sean shifted in his spot and let go of Y/n's hand. Y/n laid down on the bench, her head resting on Sean's lap.

They stare at each other. The twinkle in Y/n's eyes made Sean fall in love even more. The way her smile formed on her lips as she kept very quite, only speaking in smiles.

"I love you Y/n." Sean whispered to her.

"I love you too Sean." Y/n whispered back.

Sean leaned down and pecked her lips once, twice, three times before they went into a full on kiss. This kiss was romantic and not to rough. Not going any further. After a few seconds, they stopped.

Sean dug his hands into his pockets, then he remembered something that he wanted to do. But, his mind switched and told him it was too early. He didn't want it to happen so early. So, he took his hand out, resting it on Y/n's head, stroking her hair.

But what he didn't know, is that his actions will cause consequences.


A few months passed as Y/n and Sean became closer than ever. But, Y/n didn't feel like something was right. She held something in and she knew it was wrong. Sean was in love but Y/n didn't feel like it.

Y/n was supposed to go to Sean's house that night but she didn't. Sean kept texting her but she didn't reply. She was in a zone where she didn't care about anything that has been happening around her.

Sean was worrying about Y/n. They have been dating for a year and 3 months. He started to get very worried with such a nerve that he didn't think she loved him anymore.

Y/n loved Sean with all her heart. She knew that whatever was happening to her was wrong to Sean because he may think that she doesn't love her anymore.

So, what she did was sneak out of the house and ran to Sean's apartment building. Still feeling no emotion, she stopped in front of his door. She knocked and not even a second it was answered.

When Sean opened the door, his eyes widened to see Y/n standing in front of it. He opened the door wider but his expression changed to anger.

"Why didn't you answer me? Why have you left me in the dumps?" Sean asked full of anger.

Y/n walked into the apartment and went straight to the couch. She sat down and stared at Sean, her eyes becoming glossy. Sean shut the door and just stood in front of her.

"I-I-" Y/n couldn't speak. The words just wouldn't come out as a single tear rolled down her cheek.

"What the heck is going on Y/n!! Why are you being so quite all of a sudden!?!" Sean shouted.

"Sean, p-please. L-let me e-explain!" Y/n cried stuttering very badly.

"What going on! Tell me and stop crying!" Sean shouted again.

"Sean! Calm down." Y/n cried. "Just let me talk. I want you to sit and listen. Please stop shouting."

"Well it's not my fault that I'm being quiet to my own girlfriend!!" Sean yelled.

"Well maybe you're being a big mean person!! Maybe right now I hate you!!" Y/n shouted back standing up to him.

"W-what!?" Sean asked, his face dropping to hurt.

"Yeah, you herd me correctly! I hate you!! You won't let me explain so why should I!? Maybe we just need a break from each other!" Y/n shouted with tears still rolling down her cheeks.

"P-please Y/n, anything but that!" Sean pleaded.

Y/n face had dropped also when she saw that Sean had also tears in his eyes. She stood there while each one of them looked at each other.

"Sean, I-I-"

"No, it's fine. You deserve to hate me right now. Just go home. Please remember though that I love you." Sean said.

Then, he just walked away. Y/n looked back to try to find him but it was no use. So, what she did was walk out of the house. She headed home with her head hanging low.

When she was walking, she herd her name being called off into the distance. She thought it was just her mind playing with her as she kept walking.

Next thing she knew, she was picked up and in the air with arms wrapped around her tightly. She screamed but a hand kept her quiet.

"It's me, it's me, Sean."

Y/n said something but it was all mumbled out because of Sean's hand. He chuckled and let go of her mouth. He put her gently back on the ground as she turned to face him.

"You little bugger!" Y/n said hitting his chest playfully.

"Hey, I need to apologize. I didn't mean to say those things back there. Right as you left, my body shut down. I couldn't bare you leaving me again. So..." Sean's voice trailed off as he put his hand into his pocket.

"Sean, you know I didn't mean everything I said back there either. You know that, right? I love you way too much to hate you." Y/n said.

"Good because I wanted to say somethings. I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for being my best friend. Thank you for being my girlfriend. You really do mean the world to me and I don't know what I would do without you, Y/n. So..."

Sean brought out his hand from his pocket. He got down on one knee and pulled out a beautiful ring. But, Y/n didn't focus on the ring, she was more focused on Sean.

"Y/n M/n L/n, will you have the honor of being Mrs. McLoughlin?" Sean asked.

Y/n cupped her mouth with her hands and nodded her head yes. Sean's face lit up with a the biggest smile on his face. He jumped up and hugged Y/n, twirling her in circles.

There, Y/n got to see the ring. It was a beautiful diamond ring that twinkled in the moonlight. Y/n cries were very happy as she couldn't breath.

"I love you so much Y/n." Sean said wrapping her into his embrace.

"I love you, also." Y/n chocked out.

There, Y/n and Sean set a first kiss as an engaged couple. Both very happy.

"I promise, everything will be just fine." Sean whispered after the kiss

Sean's Story With Me {Jacksepticeye} #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now