Chapter twenty seven

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Bubbly laughter escapes their lips, tails wagging in happiness as Jongdae jumped up to give his childhood friend a huge warm 'welcome back' hug. The two started rambling about their lives as soon their feet got back up the ground to start walking along the crowd.

It's been a while since the two have spoken to each other, like about two years ago when the bunny has to leave for the high class city to start his school year there, back then the beagle has recently changed his phone number which made the two friends become distant to each other. The days Kyungsoo have come back to the city for break, the older will be either visiting his grandparents or on a school field trip that will takes days.

The two met when Jongdae have moved into the neighborhood, his parents have set up a dinner with the new family along with Minseok who was sleeping over at the bunny's house while his mother is at a business trip. The beagle became friend with the hamster at first, because Kyungsoo would be behind his father's leg since he is terrible talking to other hybrids due to his shyness. Jongdae walked over to the bunny with a smile, offering him a carrot after Minseok mentioned that the bunny really, really likes carrots or lettuce after dinner and likes to think them as rewards for being a good bunny at the table. Kyungsoo slowly took the carrot and shyly nibbled at the pointy orange top with a pink blush covering his chubby cheeks making the beagle bark in delight that the other has accepted his offer. Kyungsoo became good friends with Jongdae along with the hamster, the three would hang out every single day outside or inside if the meanie gray clouds decided to rain on them. Their close relationship soon, drifted apart after Minseok announced to his friends that he is moving to the high class city with another friend of his to follow his dream, which is to own a famous bar in the high class city. At first the two thought he was joking until they saw a moving truck arriving at the house which Minseok's parents own. The bunny was upset that he won't see his friend again but accepted it, because he knows everything won't stay the same while Jongdae was angry at the hamster. He argued with him the day before and got a stinging slap on his cheek from Minseok after he started barking curse at him because he was leaving him and Kyungsoo. Maybe, that wasn't the main reason. Maybe, the beagle doesn't want to leave their romantic relationship behind.

It started in their middle school years, Jongdae knew he started having feeling for the big cheek hybrid, but he doesn't know how will the other react when he confessed his feeling to him and that frightened him. He would probably leave him. He would probably never spoke to him again or he'll be disgusted at the fact the beagle likes him, but the feeling was strong like blue fire raging not even water could burn it out. Jongdae's heart would speed up and thump loudly when he saw those sharp but warm eyes. His cheeks would start turning to the color of roses when Minseok would smile his gummy smile at the jokes he made. He can't help it to feel the world around them stop when he heard those beautiful words slip from the red plump lips when the two sing together in choir. He knew he fave fallen hard for the other.

"Look at the flowers, Dae! They are certainly beautiful!"

"The beauty of those roses, tulips, dandelions, daisies will never match your beauty to be honest, since your the most gorgeous hybrid I've ever laid my eyes on."

"Wh-What you doing?"


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