Chapter 1

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"Look at him.. He's bored
Out of his mind" scoffed yoongi. Jungkook looked over at namjoon and began rolling his eyes.

"If this doesn't help, then
I dont know what does"

Yoongi bit his lip and thought for a moment.
"Let's just take him home"

"So much for a night at the strip club" Jungkook muttered rudely.

Yoongi walked over to namjoon and nudge his arm.
"C'mon, lets go home"

Namjoon nodded,
"Im sorry, im just not feeling this" he told them.

Short chapter but next chapter will bit a bit longer. Sorry for the shitty writing. I didn't re-read to check my mistakes sorry if any misspelled words are in here.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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