He found me

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A/n I am going to try make this a long chapter so here we go!
Your pov
It's been three months since the resistance thought I was worthless. I have become a scavenger on the planet Jakku. Where no one would think that I'd been there.
-time skip-
I gave what I scavenged to Unkar Plutt
The guy who gave out portions
Who told me that the stuff I got would only give me half a portion. I took it fully understanding that he cheated me and went back to the tie I called home.
-Another time skip-
I had just finished my portion when I heard lasers firing. I looked outside and saw that the First Order was invading.

Nononono I thought as I grabbed the blaster that I stole from the storm trooper the day I escaped. I also put on the mask that I used when scavenging so they don't know it's me.

I ran outside and saw two storm troopers coming my way. I quickly shot them down and kept running.
There were more troopers in my way so I pushed them back with the force as I kept running. I had finally got to the yard to hijack a ship because the tie I came in no longer worked, when something stopped me and turned me around.

"Who are you perhaps?" Said a robotic voice behind me
He had found me with one swipe of his hand he took off my mask.
"Oh, y/n long time no see." He said chuckling.
"How are you today Kylo?" I said as  smart- alekey as possible.
"Great but I have one thing on my mind," he said, "why aren't you at the resistance base.
I soon again felt an all to familiar pain, he was in my head searching though it seeing all my secrets.
After awhile the pain stopped and he said
"They think your worthless." He said
"Well prove them wrong, come with me ."
So taken aback by his words I could only say
"with you?"
"Yes with me," he said, "I will train you to be better stronger and smarter."
Rey's pov
I finally found her after three months of looking I found y/n! But the downside is that the planet she's on is being invaded by the first order.
I ran through the planet to where she was and saw something I was hoping I wouldn't see.
Kylo had her captured and was talking to her as I saw her.
"Y/n!" I yelled but she couldn't hear me.
She took the hand of Kylo and went onto his ship

Omg this chapter is 445 words that's almost 4 times my usual chapter. Squeeeeeee  I did it
See you later

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